
本站和网页 http://people.ucas.ac.cn/~0013562 的作者无关,不对其内容负责。快照谨为网络故障时之索引,不代表被搜索网站的即时页面。

段胜仲 男 博导 上海交通大学电子邮件: szduan@sibs.ac.cn通信地址: 上海市岳阳路320号新生命大楼A座2122邮政编码: 200031
2000-09--2006-04 密歇根大学 博士
2006-05~2010-10,密歇根大学, 博士后2000-09~2006-04,密歇根大学, 博士
(1) Mineralocorticoid Receptor Deficiency in Macrophages Inhibits Neointimal Hyperplasia and Suppresses Macrophage Inflammation Through SGK1-AP1/NF-kB pathways., Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol., 2016, 通讯作者(2) Thromboxane Governs the Differentiation of Adipose-Derived Stromal Cells Toward Endothelial Cells In Vitro and In Vivo., Circ Res., 2016, 第 4 作者(3) Prognostic Value of Tumor Deposit and Perineural Invasion Status in Colorectal Cancer Patients: a SEER-Based Population Study., Histopathology, 2016, 第 4 作者(4) Impaired Endothelial Repair Capacity of Early Endothelial Progenitor Cells in Hypertensive Patients With Primary Hyperaldosteronemia: Role of 5,6,7,8-Tetrahydrobiopterin Oxidation and Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Uncoupling., Hypertension., 2016, 第 4 作者(5) High salt primes a specific activation state of macrophages, M(Na)., Cell Res., 2015, 通讯作者(6) nhibition of glutathione production induces macrophage CD36 expression and enhances cellular oxLDL uptake., J Biol Chem., 2015, 第 4 作者(7) Bach1 Represses Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling and Angiogenesis., Circ Res., 2015, 第 4 作者(8) Suppression of glioblastoma by targeting the overactivated protein neddylation pathway., Neuro Oncol., 2015, 第 4 作者(9) EP3 receptor deficiency attenuates pulmonary hypertension through suppression of Rho/TGF-β1 signaling., J Clin Invest., 2015, 第 4 作者(10) Genetic targeting of sprouting angiogenesis using Apln-CreER., Nat Commun., 2015, 第 4 作者(11) Neddylation-Cullin 2-RBX1 E3 ligase axis targets tumor suppressor RhoB for degradation in liver cancer., Mol Cell Proteomics., 2015, 第 4 作者(12) Histology subtypes and polyp size are associated with synchronous colorectal carcinoma of colorectal serrated polyps: a study of 499 serrated polyps., Am J Cancer Res., 2015, 第 4 作者(13) Myeloid mineralocorticoid receptor deficiency inhibits aortic constriction-induced cardiac hypertrophy in mice., PLoS One., 2014, 通讯作者(14) Targeting the c-Met/FZD8 signaling axis eliminates patient-derived cancer stem-like cells in head and neck squamous carcinomas., Cancer Res., 2014, 第 3 作者(15) Epicardium-to-fat transition in injured heart., Cell Res., 2014, 第 4 作者(16) Mineralocorticoid receptor: a critical player in vascular remodeling., Sci China Life Sci., 2014, 通讯作者(17) Rosiglitazone Causes Cardiotoxicity via Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor γ-Independent Mitochondrial Oxidative Stress in Mouse Hearts., Toxicol Sci., 2014, 第 4 作者(18) Smooth muscle protein 22 alpha-Cre is expressed in myeloid cells in mice., Biochem Biophys Res Commun., 2012, 通讯作者(19) Effects of PPARs Agonists on Cardiac Metabolism in Littermate and Cardiomyocyte-Specific PPAR-γ-Knockout (CM-PGKO) Mice., PLoS One., 2012, 第 4 作者(20) Myeloid-Specific Deletion of the Mineralocorticoid Receptor Reduces Infarct Volume and Alters Inflammation During Focal Cerebral Ischemia., Stroke, 2011, 第 3 作者(21) Role of PKCζ translocation in the development of type 2 diabetes in rats following continuous glucose infusion., Diabetes Metab Res Rev., 2010, 通讯作者(22) Sex dimorphic actions of rosiglitazone in generalised peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPAR-gamma)-deficient mice., Diabetologia., 2010, 第 1 作者(23) Myeloid mineralocorticoid receptor controls macrophage polarization and cardiovascular hypertrophy and remodeling in mice., J Clin Invest., 2010, 通讯作者(24) A New Connection: Myeloid Mineralocorticoid Receptor and Cardiovascular Disease. , NAJMS., 2010, 通讯作者(25) PPARs: the vasculature, inflammation and hypertension., Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens., 2009, 第 1 作者(26) Go controls the hyperpolarization-activated current, If in ES cell-derived cardiocytes., Am J Physiol Heart and Circulatory Physiol., 2008, 第 2 作者(27) PPAR-g mediated effects in the vasculature. , Circ Res., 2008, 第 1 作者(28) PPAR-g in the cardiovascular system., PPAR Res., 2008, 第 1 作者(29) In vivo and in vitro studies of a functional peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma response element in the mouse PDX-1 promoter., J Biol Chem., 2008, 第 4 作者(30) Hypotension, lipodystrophy, and insulin resistance in generalized PPAR-g-deficient mice rescued from embryonic lethality., J Clin Invest, 2007, 第 1 作者(31) Go but not Gi2 or Gi3 is required for muscarinic regulation of heart rate and heart rate variability in mice. , Biochem Biophys Res Commun. , 2007, 第 1 作者(32) PPAR-g knockout in pancreatic epithelial cells abolishes the inhibitory effect of Rosiglitazone on cerulein-induced acute pancreatitis., Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol., 2007, 第 2 作者(33) Direct monitoring pressure overload predicts cardiac hypertrophy in mice. , Physiological Measurement. , 2007, 第 1 作者(34) Cardiomyocyte-specific knockout and agonist of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-g both induce cardiac hypertrophy in mice., Circ Res, 2005, 第 1 作者
( 1 )&nbsp核受体MR的阻断和PPARg的激活在心肌梗死与心肌肥厚中的各自以及协同作用, 负责人, 国家任务, 2014-01--2017-12( 2 )&nbsp盐皮质激素受体调控内膜新生和血管重构, 负责人, 国家任务, 2014-01--2016-12( 3 )&nbspT细胞盐皮质激素受体对血压的调控作用和机制研究, 负责人, 国家任务, 2017-01--2020-12( 4 )&nbsp构建盐皮质激素受体基因敲入小鼠用于心血管疾病研究, 负责人, 地方任务, 2015-07--2018-09
(1)An MR/ER/HGF/MET axis conveys signaling from macrophages to hepatocytes in hepatic steatosis and insulin resistance. Shengzhong Duan 2015-11-08(2)High salt primes a specific activation state of macrophages, M(Na). Shengzhong Duan 2015-06-04(3)Deletion of myeloid mineralocorticoid receptor inhibits neointima formation by suppression of macrophage accumulation and inflammatory response and interactions with other vascular cells. Shengzhong Duan 2014-10-25
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