
本站和网页 http://people.ucas.ac.cn/~0001553 的作者无关,不对其内容负责。快照谨为网络故障时之索引,不代表被搜索网站的即时页面。

胡青苗 男 硕导 金属研究所 电子邮件:qmhu@imr.ac.cn 通信地址:沈河区文化路15-59号 邮政编码:110016
1998.03~2001.11 中国科学院金属研究所, 获博士学位
1995.09~1998.03 东北大学材料物理专业, 获硕士学位
1989.09~1993.07 东北大学金属物理专业, 获学士学位
金属研究所 19980330--20011120 博士
2009.10~ : 中科院金属所, 研究员;
2003.07~2009.09: 中科院金属所, 副研究员;
2006.09~2007.08: 瑞典皇家工学院材料科学与工程系访问研究, 访问学者;
2003.09~2005.09: 德国马普学会Fritz-Haber研究所访问研究, 博士后, 洪堡学者
2001.11~2003.05: 中科院金属所, 博士后;
1993.07~1995.09: 安徽省马鞍山市马钢合力公司, 助理工程师.
目前已在Phys. Rev. Lett.(2), Phys. Rev. B (14), Appl. Phys. Lett. (3), Acta Mater.(5)等期刊发表论文近40篇. 部分论文如下(*为通讯作者):
1. H.B. Luo, C.M. Li, Q.M. Hu*, S.E. Kulkova, B. Johansson, L. Vitos, R. Yang,
First-principles investigations of the five-layer modulated martensitic structure in Ni2Mn(AlxGa1-x) alloys, Acta Mater. 2011; 59: 5938.
2. H.B. Luo, C.M. Li, Q.M. Hu*, R. Yang, B. Johansson, and L. Vitos, Theoretical investigation of the effects of composition and atomic disordering on the properties of Ni2Mn(Al1-xGax) alloy, Acta Mater. 2011; 59: 971.
3. Song Lu, Qing-Miao Hu, Borje Johansson, and Levente Vitos, Stacking fault energies of Mn, Co and Nb alloyed austenitic stainless steels, Acta Mater. 2011; 59: 5728.
4. Chun-Mei Li, Hu-Bin Luo, Qing-Miao Hu*, Rui Yang, Borje Johansson, and Levente Vitos, Site preference and elastic properties of Fe-, Co-, and Cu-doped Ni2MnGa shape memory alloys from first principles, Phys. Rev. B 2011; 84: 024206.
5. Chun-Mei Li, Qing-Miao Hu*, Rui Yang, Borje Johansson, and Levente Vitos, Interplay between temperature and composition effects on the martensitic
transformation in Ni2+xMn1-xGa alloys, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2011; 98: 261903.
6. C.M. Li, H.B. Luo, Q.M. Hu*, R. Yang, B. Johansson, and L. Vitios, First-principles investigation of the composition dependent properties of Ni2+xMn1-xGa shape-memory alloys, Phys. Rev. B 2010; 82: 024201.
7. Song Lu, Qing-Miao Hu*, Rui Yang, Borje Johansson, and Levente Vitos, First-principles determination of the alpha-alpha’ interfacial energy in Fe-Cr alloys, Phys. Rev. B 2010; 82: 195103.
8. Q.M. Hu*, C.M. Li, R. Yang, S.E. Kulkova, B. Johansson, L. Vitos, Magnetoelastic effects in Ni2Mn1+xGa1-x alloys from first-principles calculations, Phys. Rev. B 2010; 81: 064108.
9. Q.M. Hu*, C.M. Li, R. Yang, S.E. Kulkova, D.I. Bazhanov, B. Johansson, L. Vitos, Site occupancy, magnetic moments, and elastic constants of off-stoichiometric Ni2MnGa from first-principles calculations, Phys. Rev. B 2009; 79: 144112.
10. Q.M. Hu*, S.J. Li, Y.L. Hao, R. Yang, B. Johansson, L. Vitos, Phase stability and elastic modulus of Ti alloys containing Nb, Zr, and/or Sn from first principles calculations, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2008; 93: 121902.
11. Jian-Min Lu, Qing-Miao Hu*, and R. Yang, Composition dependent elastic properties and electronic structure of off-stoichiometric TiNi from first-principles calculations, Acta Mater. 2008, 56: 4913.
12. Q.M. Hu*, R. Yang, J.M. Lu, L. Wang, B. Johansson, and L. Vitos, Alloying effects of Zr on the properties of TiNi from first-principles calculations,
Phys. Rev. B. 2007; 76: 224201.
13. Q.M. Hu*, K. Kadas, S. Hogmark, R. Yang, B. Johansson, L. Vitos, Predicting hardness of covalent/ionic solid solutions from first-principles theory, Appl. Phys. Lett. 2007; 91: 121918.
14. Y.J. Li, S.E. Kulkova, Q.M. Hu*, D.I. Bazhanov, D.S. Xu, Y.L. Hao, and R. Yang, Interaction between hydrogen and alloying atom in palladium, Phys. Rev. B 2007; 76: 064110.
15. J.M. Lu, Q.M. Hu*, L. Wang, Y.J. Li, D.S. Xu and R. Yang, Point defects and their interaction in TiNi from frist-principles calculations, Phys. Rev. B 2007; 75: 094108.
16. Qing-Miao Hu*, Karsten Reuter, and Matthias Scheffler, Towards an exact treatment of exchange and correlation in materials: Application to the “CO adsorption puzzle” and other systems, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2007; 98: 176103. Highlighted by Science 2007; 316: 662.
17. Qing-Miao Hu and Rui Yang, Mechanical properties of structure materials from first-principles, Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 2006; 10: 19 (invited review).
18. Q.M. Hu*, R. Yang, Y.L. Hao, D.S. Xu, D. Li, Concentrated point defects in and order-disorder transition temperature of intermetallic compounds, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2004; 92: 185505.
19. Q. M. Hu*, R. Yang, D. S. Xu, Y. L. Hao, D. Li, and W. T. Wu, Geometric and electronic structure of Ti2AlX(X=V, Nb, Ta), Phys. Rev. B 2003; 68: 054102.
20. Q. M. Hu*, R. Yang, D. S. Xu, D. Li, and W. T. Wu, Energetics and electronic structure of a grain boundary and surface of B and/or H doped Ni3Al, Phys. Rev B 2003; 67: 224203.
21. Q. M. Hu*, D. S. Xu, R. Yang, D. Li, W. T. Wu, First-principles investigations of ordering in alpha-Ti solid solutions, Philos. Mag. 2003; 83: 217.
22. Q. M. Hu*, D. S. Xu, R. Yang, D. Li, W. T. Wu, First-principles investigations of solute-H interaction in alpha-Ti solid solutions, Phys. Rev. B 2002; 66: 064201.
23. Q. M. Hu*, D. S. Xu, D. Li, First-principles investigations of solute-vacancy interaction energy and its effect on the creep properties of alpha-titanium, Philos. Mag. A 2001; 81: 2809.
Prof. Levente Vitos及Prof. Borje Johansson, 瑞典皇家工学院
Prof. Svetlana E. Kulkova, 俄罗斯强度物理与材料科学研究所
已指导学生卢松 硕士研究生 080501-材料物理与化学 刘超仁 硕士研究生 080502-材料学 现指导学生李春梅 博士研究生 080501-材料物理与化学 罗湖斌 博士研究生 080502-材料学 平发平 硕士研究生 080502-材料学
2013 中国科学院大学,网络信息中心.