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刘永宏 男 博导 中国科学院南海海洋研究所电子邮件: yonghongliu@scsio.ac.cn通信地址: 广州市新港西路164号邮政编码: 510301
招收推免生硕士生,联合培养相关专业博士生,硕士生若干名 。
1999-09--2002-08 韩国釜山大学 海洋天然药物化学专业博士1996-09--1999-08 长春中医药大学 天然药物化学专业硕士1992-09--1996-08 长春中医药大学 中药学学士
2002年9月-2003年3月 韩国釜山大学 药学大学 博士后
2003年4月-2004年3月 日本大阪大学 药学大学 博士后
2004年4月-2005年12月 葡萄牙里斯本新大学 科技学院 化学系 博士后
2002年9月-2003年3月 韩国釜山大学 药学大学 博士后
2003年4月-2004年3月 日本大阪大学 药学大学 博士后
2004年4月-2005年12月 葡萄牙里斯本新大学 科技学院 化学系 博士后
2006年1月至今 中国科学院南海海洋研究所 研究员 博士生导师
2014-10~现在, 中国科学院南海海洋研究所, 海洋化学学科主任2010-10~现在, 中国科学院南海海洋研究所, 广东省海洋药物重点实验室副主任2006-01~2011-07,中国科学院南海海洋研究所, 研究员2004-04~2006-01,葡萄牙里斯本新大学, 博士后2003-04~2004-03,日本大阪大学, 博士后2002-09~2003-03,韩国釜山大学, 博士后
2020-12-09-今,Molecules, 编委2018-11-01-2023-10-31,中国药理学会海洋药物药理专业委员会, 常务委员2018-01-01-今,药学学报, 编委2016-12-30-今,Chemistry & Biodiversity (SCI 收录), 编委2016-01-01-今,《天然产物研究与开发》, 编委2015-12-31-今,Medicinal Chemistry (SCI 收录), 编委2013-01-01-今,中国药学会海洋药物专业委员会, 委员2012-09-29-2018-11-12,Natural Product Research, 编委2012-01-01-今,中国生物化学与分子生物学学会 海洋生物化学与分子生物学分会, 理事2011-01-01-2014-12-31,Journal of Arthritis编委, 编委2010-12-31-2014-12-30,Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 编委
( 1 )&nbsp海洋微生物次生代谢的生理与生态效应及其生物合成机制, 参与, 国家级, 2010-01--2014-12( 2 )&nbsp重要生理功能和重大疾病相关蛋白质研究公共资源库建设, 参与, 国家级, 2011-01--2015-12( 3 )&nbsp红树植物海芒果果实及其3株内生真菌抗海洋生物附着活性物质的发现, 主持, 国家级, 2013-01--2016-12( 4 )&nbsp三种南海柳珊瑚中抗MRSA新八放烷二萜的发现,构效关系及作用机制研究, 主持, 国家级, 2012-01--2015-12( 5 )&nbsp五株印度洋深海来源真菌中抗生物附着活性代谢产物的发现, 主持, 国家级, 2015-01--2018-12( 6 )&nbsp三株南海深海真菌抗结核活性代谢产物的研究, 主持, 国家级, 2018-01--2021-12( 7 )&nbsp广东省"特支计划"百千万工程领军人才项目, 主持, 省级, 2017-01--2019-12( 8 )&nbsp海洋微生物中抗肾癌靶向药物先导化合物的 筛选和挖掘, 主持, 省级, 2018-01--2020-01( 9 )&nbsp海洋来源船舶防污涂料关键技术研究及产业化, 参与, 省级, 2015-01--2017-01( 10 )&nbsp深海微生物活性物质的化学生态效应与生物合成机制, 参与, 部委级, 2013-01--2017-12( 11 )&nbsp海洋微生物中抗肾癌靶向药物先导化合物的筛选和挖掘, 主持, 省级, 2018-07--2022-06
(1)Marine Sponge-associated Microorganisms Metabolites and Their Bioactivities 2018-09-25(2)海洋特殊生境微生物活性代谢 中国化学会第十二届全国天然有机化学学术会议 2018-07-28(3)海洋微生物活性代谢 鳌山论坛——“海洋生物医药资源开发与高值化利用大会” 2018-06-27(4)Marine Microorganisms Metabolites 皇后镇分子生物学上海会议暨第十届全国药物筛选新技术研讨会和中国热带病药物与诊断创新网络第七次会议 2018-03-22(5)海洋微生物活性物质研究 第十届上海中医药与天然药物国际大会 2017-10-29(6)海洋真菌毒素的研究 第19届世界毒素大会 2017-10-24(7)海洋微生物活性物质 2015杨凌国际农业科技论坛 2016-11-05(8)南海软珊瑚及其共生真菌活性物质的研究 第十届海峡两岸细胞生物学术研讨会 刘永宏 2014-04-18(9)Bioactive Metabolites from the South China Sea Invertebrates 第六届韩国海洋生物技术国际研讨会 yonghong liu 2010-11-18
出站博士后:李云秋博士,柴兴云博士,林秀萍博士, 彭燕博士, M. Fredimoses博士(印度),Kuma博士(印度), 徐亮博士
已指导学生董光 硕士研究生 070703-海洋生物学 黄日明 博士研究生 070702-海洋化学 杨斌 博士研究生 070702-海洋化学 孙见凡 博士研究生 070702-海洋化学 胡静 硕士研究生 070702-海洋化学 连喜平 博士研究生 070703-海洋生物学 白志强 硕士研究生 070702-海洋化学 钟志龙 硕士研究生 070702-海洋化学 冼嘉韵 硕士研究生 070702-海洋化学 艾文 博士研究生 070702-海洋化学 李晋昇 硕士研究生 070702-海洋化学 汤勇 硕士研究生 070702-海洋化学 田永奇 博士研究生 070702-海洋化学 戴昱 硕士研究生 070702-海洋化学 庞小艳 博士研究生 070702-海洋化学 郭翠 硕士研究生 070703-海洋生物学 罗小卫 博士研究生 070703-海洋生物学 李坤龙 博士研究生 070703-海洋生物学 现指导学生陈伟豪 博士研究生 070703-海洋生物学 龙洁怡 博士研究生 070703-海洋生物学 王佳敏 硕士研究生 070703-海洋生物学 陈春梅 博士研究生 070703-海洋生物学 李晓琳 硕士研究生 070703-海洋生物学 宋莹莹 博士研究生 070703-海洋生物学
中科院南海所/南方科技大学高薪诚聘联合博士后2名 中国科学院南海海洋研究所刘永宏团队及南方科技大学化学系贾铁争课题组现联合招聘博士后两名,欢迎满足应聘条件的博士后申请,应聘成功者享受南方科技大学入站博士后的薪酬待遇及相关福利政策,共享中科院南海所和南科大两个科研平台。工作地点:南海所或者南科大(任选)薪金:年薪33.5万-41.5万。条件优秀者,待遇可面议。学历和研究方向:药物化学、药理学方向,已取得或即将获得博士学位招聘岗位:有机合成以及药物化学方向博士后一名,化学生物学以及药理学博士后一名项目负责人:刘永宏/贾铁争邮箱:yonghongliu@scsio.ac.cn(刘永宏) jiatz@sustech.edu.cn(贾铁争)个人主页:http://lmb.scsio.cas.cn/rcdw/sysyjy/zryjy/201802/t20180206_397019.html(刘永宏)https://faculty.sustech.edu.cn/jiatz/(贾铁争) 研究项目与内容:抗手足口病毒活性的含哌嗪酸天然多肽药物分子库构建、构效关系与作用机制研究(广东省区域联合基金重点项目)。 2. 岗位基本要求:药物化学或者有机合成博士后:具有或即将获得有机化学、药物化学、金属有机化学、全合成等相关专业博士学位。具有丰富合成经验,熟练掌握有机合成化学相关知识,具有药物合成,多肽合成,有机方法学等经验者优先考虑。发表英文研究论文,具有较好的沟通能力。有独立完成科研工作的能力,勤奋努力、认真负责、有团队合作素质。 药理学或化学生物学博士后:具有或即将获得化学生物学、药理学、细胞、分子生物学等相关专业博士学位。具有DNA化学生物学或者药物活性(细胞或者动物模型)筛选经验者可优先考虑。发表英文研究论文,具有较好的沟通能力。(4) 有独立完成科研工作的能力,勤奋努力、认真负责、有团队合作素质。3. 博士后岗位职责:(1) 协助完成PI的科研项目,撰写论文等科研材料。(2) 协助其他成员的课题研究。(3) 开拓新的研究方向。(4) 实验室日常管理、维护和运行。 4.薪酬待遇及聘期:中科院南海海洋研究所基本薪酬待遇:执行国家、科学院和研究所规定的薪酬标准,提供具有竞争力水平的薪酬待遇。 在两年聘期内,达到相应科研业绩等要求,基础薪酬可提高至Ⅱ类、Ⅰ类。 (Ⅰ类40万元/年 ;Ⅱ类34万元/年 ;Ⅲ类28万元/年 )。其中获博士后创新人才支持计划、国家博士后国际交流计划引进项目、广东省博士后人才引进计划海外青年博士后引进项目资助人员,年薪可达40万元。 聘期内,课题组支持博后作为项目负责人申请国家自然科学基金及广东省、广州市各级科研项目;获得其他相关科技成果、优秀人才,可同时按《中国科学院南海海洋所科技成果、优秀人才奖励暂行办法》奖励。 其它薪酬待遇:五险一金+寒暑两假(带薪)+健康体检+工会福利等(其中博士后如在外租房,享受住房补贴)。对于优秀的出站博士后将积极推荐协助其申请“中国科学院特别研究助理资助项目”,入选者可获得80万元经费资助;业绩突出者,将优先推荐申报国家、中科院和地方各类高层次人才计划。出站后根据个人意愿留广州南沙区工作,可以享受相应人才认定及安家费等。南方科技大学基本薪酬待遇:博士后聘期两年,博士后年薪33.5万元,含广东省补助15万元(税前)及深圳市生活补助6万元(税后),并按深圳市有关规定参加社会保险及住房公积金。博士后福利费参照学校员额内教职工标准发放。提供良好的办公条件,可向深圳市政府申请公租房或学校申请住房补贴 (税前2800元/月) 。条件优秀者,薪酬待遇可议。其他待遇政策:(1) 特别优秀者可以申请校长卓越博士后,年薪可达41.5万元。(含广东省及深圳市补助)。(2)本课题组与美国宾西法尼亚大学,加州理工学院,科罗拉多大学等知名教授团队有长期稳定合作,课题组提供优良的工作环境和境内外高水平教授的合作交流机会,博士后在站期间享受两年共计2.5万学术交流经费资助。(3) 根据博士后具体科研工作业绩情况,可享受课题组相应的科研绩效奖励。(4) 课题组提供充足的科研支持,并协助博士后本人作为负责人申请中国博士后科学基金、国家自然科学基金及广东省、深圳市各级科研项目。(5) 课题组可协助符合条件的博士后申请“广东省海外青年博士后引进项目”。即在世界排名前200名的高校(不含境内,排名以上一年度泰晤士、USNEWS、QS和上海交通大学的世界大学排行榜为准)获得博士学位,在广东省博士后设站单位从事博士后研究,并承诺在站2年以上的博士后,申请成功后省财政给予每名进站博士后资助60万元生活补贴;对获得本项目资助,出站后与广东省用人单位签订工作协议或劳动合同,并承诺连续在粤工作3年以上的博士后,省财政给予每人40万元住房补贴。(6) 博士后出站选择留深从事科研工作,且与本市企事业单位签订3年以上劳动(聘用)合同的,可以申请深圳市博士后留深来深科研资助。深圳市政府给予每人30万元的科研启动经费资助。(7) 对于落户深圳的博士后,可以按博士落户的身份向深圳市申请一次性租房和生活补贴3万元(免税,自主网上申请)。(8) 依据自身符合的条件情况,在站或出站留深博士后可申请 "深圳市孔雀计划C类人才"或者"深圳市后备级人才",享受5年160万的奖励津贴(免税)。(9)对于优秀的出站博士后将积极推荐协助其申请南方科技大学研究助理教授岗位,或者根据个人意愿,出站后积极推荐境外高水平大学博士后位置。 5. 刘永宏教授团队简介、研究方向:刘永宏,中国科学院南海海洋研究所责任研究员,博士生导师,中国科学院大学岗位教授,国家百千万人才工程-有突出贡献中青年专家,2016广东省“特支计划”百千万工程领军人才,2014“全国优秀科技工作者”获得者,广东省海洋药物重点实验室副主任。主持包括国家蛋白质重大研究计划子课题、国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)子课题、国家自然科学基金、广东省“特支计划”百千万工程领军人才等项目。迄今为止,发表国内外研究论文316篇,在Nat Prod Rep、Org Lett、J Org Chem、Org Chem Front、Eur J Med Chem、J Nat Prod等国际主流期刊发表SCI论文210余篇。参加编写10部论著、章节。获30项专利授权,授权1项美国专利。获得国家、省部、市级奖励9项。是国际SCI期刊Nat Prod Res、Med Chem、Chem Biodivers编委,中文核心期刊《中国海洋药物》、《天然产物研究与开发》、《药学学报》编委,中国药理学会海洋药物药理专业委员会常务委员,中国药学会海洋药物专业委员会委员,中国生物化学与分子生物学学会海洋生物化学与分子生物学分会理事, 中国海洋与湖沼学会药物分会理事, 中国菌物学会菌物化学委员会委员。 6. 贾铁争助理教授简介、研究方向及近期发表文章:贾铁争,任南方科技大学化学系助理教授/实验室PI,博士生导师。本科和硕士毕业于中国海洋大学药物化学专业(导师:顾谦群教授和朱伟明教授),研究方向:海藻真菌活性次级代谢产物研究。博士毕业于宾夕法尼亚大学化学系有机化学方向(导师:Patrick J. Walsh), 研究方向:钯催化亚砜C-C键和C-S键构建的新方法。2015-2017年于加州理工学院Peter Dervan院士小组从事DNA化学生物学博士后研究,2017年11月入职南方科技大学化学系,组建独立实验室。以第一作者和通讯作者身份,在Nat. Commun. JACS, ANIE等国际顶尖化学期刊上,发表论文20余篇。其中,近期以通讯作者身份,发表Nat.Commun.两篇。 刘永宏课题组近期代表性文章:Xiaowei Luo*, Guodi Cai, Yinfeng Guo, Chenghai Gao, Weifeng Huang, Zhenhua Zhang, Humu Lu, Kai Liu, Jianghe Chen, Xiaofeng Xiong, Jinping Lei, Xuefeng Zhou*, Junjian Wang*, and Yonghong Liu* Exploring the marine-derived ascochlorins as novel human dihydroorotate dehydrogenase inhibitors for treatment of triple-negative breast cancer, J. Med. Chem. 2021, 64, 18, 13918–13932.Weihao Chen, Jiawen Zhang, Xin Qi, Kai Zhao, Xiaoyan Pang, Xiuping Lin, Shengrong Liao, Bin Yang, Xuefeng Zhou, Shuwen Liu, Junfeng Wang,* Xingang Yao,* and Yonghong Liu*. p‑Terphenyls as Anti-HSV-1/2 Agents from a Deep-Sea-Derived Penicillium sp., J. Nat. Prod. 2021, 84, 2822−2831.Xiaoyan Pang, Xuefeng Zhou, Xiuping Lin, Bin Yang, Xinpeng Tian, Junfeng Wang*, Shihai Xu*, Yonghong Liu*. Structurally various sorbicillinoids from the deep-sea sediment derived fungus Penicillium sp. SCSIO06871, Bioorganic Chemistry 2021, 107, 104600.Jieyi Long, Yaqi Chen, Weihao Chen, Junfeng Wang, Xuefeng Zhou, Bin Yang,* and Yonghong Liu,* Cyclic Peptides from the Soft Coral‐Derived Fungus Aspergillus sclerotiorum SCSIO 41031. Mar. Drugs 2021, 19, 701.Shengrong Liao,* Huayan Xu, Bin Yang, Junfeng Wang, Xuefeng Zhou, Xiuping Lin and Yonghong Liu*. Gold-catalyzed oxidation of terminal alkynes to glyoxals and their reactions with 2-phenylimidazo[1,2-a]pyridines: one-pot synthesis of 1,2-diones†. Org. Biomol. Chem., 2021, 19, 8735–8739. 贾铁争课题组近期代表性文章:Guolin Li, Yexenia Nieves-Quinones, Hui Zhang, Qingjin Liang, Shuaisong Su, Qingchao Liu, Marisa C. Kozlowski*, Tiezheng Jia*. Transition-metal-free formal cross-coupling of aryl methyl sulfoxides and alcohols via nucleophilic activation of C-S bond. Nat. Commun. 2020, 11, 2890.Cong Wang, Hui Zhang, Lucille A. Wells, Tian Liu, Tingting Meng, Qingchao Liu, Patrick J. Walsh, Marisa C. Kozlowski*, Tiezheng Jia*. Autocatalytic photoredox Chan-Lam coupling of free diaryl sulfoximines with arylboronic acids. Nat. Commun. 2021, 12, 932.Qingjin Liang, Patrick J. Walsh, Tiezheng Jia*. Copper-Catalyzed Intermolecular Difunctionalization of Styrenes with Thiosulfonates and Arylboronic Acids via a Radical Relay Pathway. ACS Catal. 2020, 10, 2633. 7. 实验室工作条件及应聘方式:课题组目前经费、空间充裕,拥有崭新的实验室、办公室,一流的公共科研平台、良好的工作环境。课题组长期招收博士后、研究助理和研究生,我们非常期待及欢迎具有科研理想、创新能力、勤奋努力的同学和有志之士加入本组,共同成长!有意者请将个人简历(包含论文列表)发送至邮箱:yonghongliu@scsio.ac.cn; jiatz@sustech.edu.cn标题为:博士后应聘+姓名。我们期待您的加入!
Wang L, Yang B, Lin X, Zhou X, Liu Y*. Sesterterpenoids, Natural Product Reports, 2013, 30, 455-473 (IF 11.876).Liu Y*, Wang L, Jung J, Zhang S. Sesterterpenoids. Natural Product Reports, 2007, 24(6), 1401-1429 (IF 11.876). Liu Y*, Zhang S, Abreu P. Heterocyclic terpenes: linear furano-and pyrroloterpenoids. Natural Product Reports, 2006, 23(4), 630-651 (IF 11.876). Luo X, Cai G, Gao C†, Zhang Z, Lu H, Liu K, Chen J, Lei J, Zhou X, Wang J, LiuY*. Exploring the Marine-Derived Ascochlorins as Novel hDHODH Inhibitors for Treatment of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer. J Med Chem, 2021, 64, 13918–13932. (Cover Article, IF 7.446) Zhi Liang, Yulian Chen, Tanwei Gu, Jianglian She, Fahong Dai, Huanguo Jiang, Zhikun Zhan, Kunlong Li, Yonghong Liu, Xuefeng Zhou*, Lan Tang*. LXR-mediated regulation of marine-derived piericidins aggravates high cholesterol diet-induced cholesterol metabolism disorder in mice. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2021, 64, 9943−9959 (Cover Article, IF 7.446)Wang J, Cong Z, Huang X, Hou C, Chen W, Tu Z, Huang D, Liu Y*. Soliseptide A, a cyclic hexapeptide possessing piperazic acid groups from Streptomyces solisilvae HNM30702. Organic Letters, 2018, 20, 1371-1374 (IF 6.555).Chen S, Wang J , Lin X , Zhao B , Wei X , Li G , Kaliaperumal K , Liao S , Yang B , Zhou X , Liu J , Xu S,* Liu Y*. Chrysamides A-C, three dimeric nitrophenyl trans-epoxyamides produced by the deep-sea-derived fungus Penicillium chrysogenum SCSIO41001. Organic Letters, 2016, 18, 3650-3653 (IF 6.5555).Wang J, Wei X, Qin X, Lin X, Zhou X, Liao S, Yang B, Liu J, Tu Z, Liu Y*. Arthpyrones A–C, pyridone alkaloids from a sponge-derived fungus Arthrinium arundinis ZSDS1-F3. Organic Letters, 2015, 17, 656-659 (IF 6.555).Guo C, Wang P, Lin X, Salendra L, Yang B, Zhou X, Liao S, Wang J*, Liu Y.* Phloroglucinol heterodimers and bis-indolyl alkaloids from the sponge-derived fungus Aspergillus sp. SCSIO 41018. Organic Chemistry Frontiers, 2019, 6, 3053-3059 (IF 5.076, 封面文章).Luo X, Chen C,Tao H, Lin X, Yang B, Zhou X, Liu Y.* Structurally diverse diketopiperazine alkaloids from the marine-derived fungus Aspergillus versicolor SCSIO 41016. Organic Chemistry Frontiers, 2019, 6, 736-740 (IF 5.076).Li K, Liang Z, Chen W, Luo X, Fang W, Liao S, Lin X, Yang B, Wang J, Tang L,* Liu Y, * Zhou X* Iakyricidins A‒D, antiproliferative piericidin analogs bearing carbonyl group or cyclic skeleton from Streptomyces iakyrus SCSIO NS104. Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2019, 84(19),12626-12631 (IF 4.745, 封面文章). Liao S, Qin X, Wang Z, Li D, Xu L, Li J, Tu Z, Liu Y*. Design, synthesis and cytotoxic activities of novel 2,5-diketopiperazine derivatives. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2016, 121, 500-509 (IF 4.833).Liao S, Qin X, Li D, Tu Z, Li J, Zhou X, Wang J, Yang B, Lin X, Liu J, Yang X, Liu Y*. Design and synthesis of novel soluble 2,5-diketopiperazine derivatives as potential anticancer agents. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2014, 83, 236-244 (IF 4.833).Li T, Hu S, Pang X, Wang J, Yin J, Li F, Wang J, Yang X, Xia B, Liu Y, Song W, Guo S.The marine-derived furanone reduces intracellular lipid accumulation in vitro by targeting LXRα and PPARα. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine 2020, 24, 3384-3398 (IF 4.658).Wang J, He W, Kong F, Tian X, Wang P, Zhou X, Liu Y*. Ochracenes A-I, humulane-derived sesquiterpenoids from the Antarctic fungus Aspergillus ochraceopetaliformis. Journal of Natural Products, 2017, 6, 1725-1733 (IF 4.257).Wang J, Wei X, Qin X, Tian X, Liao L, Zhou X, Yang X, Wang F, Tu Z, Chen B, Liu Y*. Antiviral merosesquiterpenoids produced by an antarctic fungus Aspergillus ochraceopetaliformis SCSIO 05702. Journal of Natural Products, 2016, 79(1), 59-65 (IF 4.257).Yang X, Peng K, Liu Z, Zhang G, Li J, Wang N*, Steinmetz A, Liu Y*. Strepsesquitriol, a rearranged zizaane-type sesquiterpenoid from the deep-sea-derived actinomycete Streptomyces sp. SCSIO 10355. Journal of Natural Products, 2013, 76, 2360-2363 (IF 4.257).Li P, Liu X, Zhu H, Tang X, Shi X, Liu Y*, Li G*. Unusual inner-salt guaiazulene alkaloids and bis-sesquiterpene from the South China Sea gorgonian Muriceides collaris. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7, 7697 (IF 4.011).Zheng J, Wang J, Wang Q, Zou H, Wang H, Zhang H, Chen J, Wang Q, Wang P, Zhao Y, Lu J, Zhang X, Xiang S, Wang H, Lei J, Chen H, Liu P, Liu Y,* Han F,* Wang J.* Targeting castration-resistant prostate cancer with a novel RORγ antagonist elaiophylin. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B, 2020, 10(12), 2313-2322.Li J, Tao H, Lei X, Zhang H, Zhou X, Liu Y, Li Y, Yang B. Arthriniumsteroids A-D, four new steroids from the soft coral-derived fungus Simplicillium lanosoniveum SCSIO41212. Steroids, 2021, 171, 108831, DOI: 10.1016/j.steroids.2021.108831.Chen C, Chen W, Pang X, Liao S, Wang J, Lin X, Yang B, Zhou X, Luo X, Liu Y.* Pyrrolyl 4-quinolone alkaloids from the mangrove endophytic fungus Penicillium steckii SCSIO 41025: Chiral resolution, configurational assignment, and enzyme inhibitory activities. Phytochemistry, 2021, 186, 112730, DOI: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2021.112730Guo C, Wang P, Pang X, Lin X, Liao S, Yang B, Zhou X, Wang J, Liu Y.* Discovery of a dimeric zinc complex and five cyclopentenone derivatives from the sponge-associated fungus Aspergillus ochraceopetaliformis. ACS Omega, 2021, 6(13), 8942-8949.Pang X, Zhou X, Lin X, Yang B, Tian X, Wang J, Xu S, Liu Y.* Structurally various sorbicillinoids from the deep-sea sediment derived fungus Penicillium sp. SCSIO06871. Bioorganic Chemistry, 2021, 107, 104600, DOI: 10.1016/j.bioorg.2020.104600.Li K, Dai Y, She J, Zeng Y, Dai H, Ou S, Zhou X, Liu Y.* Bisabolanoic acid A, a new polychiral sesquiterpene with AChE inhibitory activity from a mangrove-derived fungus Colletotrichum sp. Journal of Asian Natural Products Research, 2021, DOI: 10.1080/10286020.2021.1873297Liao S, Xu H, Xu L, Liang B, Yang B, Wang J, Zhou X, Lin X, Luo Z, Liu Y.* A bifunctional ligand enables efficient gold-catalyzed hydroarylation of terminal unactivated propargylic alcohols with heteroareneboronic acids. Tetrahedron, 2021, 77, 131764, DOI: 10.1016/j.tet.2020.131764.Peng Q, Cai J, Long J, Yang B, Lin X, Wang J, Xiao J, Liu Y, Zhou X. New azaphthalide and phthalide derivatives from the marine coral-derived fungus Aspergillus sp. SCSIO41405. Phytochemistry Letters, 2021, 43, 94-97.Liang Z, Gu T, Wang J, She J, Ye Y, Cao W, Luo X, Xiao J, Liu Y, Tang L, Zhou X. Chromene and chromone derivatives as liver X receptors modulators from a marine-derived Pestalotiopsis neglecta fungus. Bioorganic Chemistry, 2021, 112, 104927.DOI 10.1016/j.bioorg.2021.104927.Xie Y, Guo L, Huang J, Huang X, Cong Z, Liu Q, Wang Q, Pang X, Xiang S, Zhou X, Liu Y, Wang J, Wang J. Cyclopentenone-Containing Tetrahydroquinoline and Geldanamycin Alkaloids from Streptomyces malaysiensis as Potential Anti-Androgens against Prostate Cancer Cells. Journal of Natural Products, 2021, 84(7), 2004-2011.Li K, Su Z, Gao Y, Lin X, Pang X, Yang B, Tao H, Luo X, Liu Y, Zhou X. Cytotoxic Minor Piericidin Derivatives from the Actinomycete Strain Streptomyces psammoticus SCSIO NS126. Marine Drugs, 2021, 19(8), 428, DOI 10.3390/md19080428.Liao S, Xu H, Yang B, Wang J, Zhou X, Lin X, Liu Y.Gold-catalyzed oxidation of terminal alkynes to glyoxals and their reactions with 2-phenylimidazo [1,2-a]pyridines: one-pot synthesis of 1,2-diones. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 2021, 19(40), 8735-8739.Chen C, Chen W, Tao H, Yang B, Zhou X, Luo X, Liu Y.Diversified Polyketides and Nitrogenous Compounds from the Mangrove Endophytic Fungus Penicillium steckii SCSIO 41025. Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2021, 39(8), 2132-2140.Zhu L, Li J, Fan X, Hu X, Chen J, Liu Y, Hao X, Shi T, Wang Z, Zhao Q. Design, synthesis and antitumor activity evaluation of Chrysamide B derivatives. Bioorganic Chemistry, 2021, 111, 104828, DOI 10.1016/j.bioorg.2021.104828.Pang X, Chen W, Wang X, Zhou X, Yang B, Tian X, Wang J, Xu S, Liu Y. New Tetramic Acid Derivatives From the Deep-Sea-Derived Fungus Penicillium sp. SCSIO06868 With SARS-CoV-2 M-pro Inhibitory Activity Evaluation. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2021, 12, 730807, DOI 10.3389/fmicb.2021.730807.Luo X, Cai G, Guo Y, Gao C, Huang W, Zhang Z, Lu H, Liu K, Chen J, Xiong X, Lei J, Zhou X, Wang J, Liu Y. Exploring Marine-Derived Ascochlorins as Novel Human Dihydroorotate Dehydrogenase Inhibitors for Treatment of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2021, 64(18), 13918-13932.Liang, Z, Chen Y, Gu T, She J, Dai F, Jiang H, Zhan Z, Li K, Liu Y, Zhou X, Tan L. LXR-Mediated Regulation of Marine-Derived Piericidins Aggravates High-Cholesterol Diet-Induced Cholesterol Metabolism Disorder in Mice. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2021, 64, (14), 9943-9959.Cai J, Chen C, Tan Y, Chen W, Luo X, Luo L, Yang B, Zhou X. Bioactive Polyketide and Diketopiperazine Derivatives from the Mangrove-Sediment- Derived Fungus Aspergillus sp. SCSIO41407. Molecules, 2021, 26(16), 4851, DOI 10.3390/molecules26164851.Chen W, Zhang J, Qi X, Zhao K, Pang X, Lin X, Liao S, Yang B, Zhou X, Liu S, Wang J, Yao X, Liu Y. p-Terphenyls as Anti-HSV-1/2 Agents from a Deep-Sea-Derived Penicillium sp. Journal of Natural Products, 2021, DOI 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.1c00400.Zhang Z, Zhang Y, Yang C, Wang Q, Wang H, Zhang Y, Deng W, Nie Y, Liu Y, Luo X, Huang J, Wang J. Antitumor effects of 3-bromoascochlorin on small cell lung cancer via inhibiting MAPK pathway. Cell Biology International, 2021, 45(11), 2380-2390.Guo L, Luo X, Yang P, Zhang Y, Huang J, Wang H, Guo Y, Huang W, Chen Z, Wang S, Wang J, Lei J, Xiang S, Liu Y. Ilicicolin A Exerts Antitumor Effect in Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Via Suppressing EZH2 Signaling Pathway. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2021, 12, 723729, DOI:10.3389/fphar.2021.723729.Song M, Xie Y, Chen W, Hu Y, Zhao K, Liu Y, Huang X, Liu Q, Wang J. Diketopiperazine and enterotoxin analogues from the mangrove derived-soil Streptomyces sp. SCSIO 41400 and their biological evaluation. Natural Product Research, 2020, DOI: 10.1080/14786419.2020.1864632.Yang B, Long J, Pang X, Lin X, Liao S, Wang J, Zhou X, Li Y, Liu Y.* Structurally diverse polyketides and phenylspirodrimanes from the soft coral-associated fungus Stachybotrys chartarum SCSIO41201. Journal of Antibiotics, 2021, 74(3), 190-198.Dai Y, Li K, She J, Zeng Y, Wang H, Liao SR, Lin XP, Yang B, Wang J, Tao H, Dai H, Zhou X, Liu Y. Lipopeptide epimers and a phthalide glycerol ether with AChE inhibitory activities from the marine-derived fungus Cochliobolus Lunatus SCSIO41401. Marine Drugs, 2020, 18, 11, 547, DOI: 10.3390/md18110547.Li J, Lei X, Tan Y, Liu Y, Yang B, Li Y. Two new bioactive polyphenols from the soft coral-derived fungus Talaromyces sp. SCSIO 041201. Natural Product Research, 2020, DOI: 10.1080/14786419.2020.1836632.Chen W, Chen C, Long J, Lan S, Lin, X, Liao S, Yang B, Zhou X, Wang, J, Liu Y. Bioactive secondary metabolites from the deep-sea derived fungus Aspergillus sp. SCSIO 41029. Journal of Antibiotics, 2020, DOI: 10.1038/s41429-020-00378-y.Liang Y, Huang H, Li Y, Du R, Li J, Liu Y, Li S, Zhang L. Efficient synthesis of cholic acid derivates through stereoselective C-H functionalization from hyodeoxycholic acid Steroids, 2020, 157, 108594.Lin X, Ai W , Li M, Zhou X, Liao S, Wang J, Liu J, Yang B, Liu Y.* Collacyclumines A–D from the endophytic fungus Colletotrichum salsolae SCSIO 41021 isolated from the mangrove Kandelia candel. Phytochemistry 2020, 171, 12237 (IF 2.905).Han W, Cai J, Zhong W, Xu G, Wang F, Tian X, Zhou X, Liu Q, Liu Y, Wang J. Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) inhibitors from the deep-sea fungus Penicillium chrysogenum SCSIO 07007. Bioorganic Chemistry 2020, 96, 103646 (IF 3.926). Chen X, Xing N, Yang B, Zhou X, Gao C, Liu Y.* Two novel sesquiterpenes and a new pregnane derivative from the South China Sea gorgonian Subergorgia suberosa. Records Natural Products 2020, 14, 57-64. Yang Z, Kaliaperumala K, Zhang J, Liang Y, Guo C, Zhang J, Yang B, Liu Y. Antifungal fatty acid derivatives against Penicillium italicum from the deep-sea fungus Aspergillus terreus SCSIO 41202. Natural Products Research 2020, https://doi.org/10.1080/14786419.2020.1716350.Lin X, Ai W, Li M, Pang X, Ju Z, Guan D, Yang B, Zhou X, Wang J, Liu J, Wang L, Liu Y. Colletoindole A from the mangrove plant endophytic fungus Colletotrichum tropicale SCSIO 41022. Chemistry & Biodiversity 2020, 17, e1900040.Li K, Cai J, Su Z, Yang B, Liu Y, Zhou X, Huang J, Tao H. Glycosylated natural products from marine microbes. Frontiers Chemistry, 2020, https://doi.org/10.3389/fchem.2019.00879Chen W, Liu H, Long J, Tao H, Lin X, Liao S, Yang B, Zhou X, Liu Y, Wang J. Asperpentenone A, A novel polyketide isolated from the deep-sea derived fungus Aspergillus sp. SCSIO 41024. Phytochemistry Letters 2020, 35, 99–102 Luo X, Gao C, Lu H, Wang J, Su Z, Tao H, Zhou X, Yang B, Liu Y. HPLC-DAD-guided isolation of diversified chaetoglobosins from the coral-associated fungus Chaetomium globosum C2F17. Molecules 2020, 25, 1237; doi:10.3390/molecules25051237Peng Y, Cao L, Liu Y, Huang R. Sargassulfamide A, an unprecedented amide derivative from the seaweed Sargassum naozhouense. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2020, 56, 559-561. Pang X, Lin X, Zhou X, Yang B, Tian X, Wang J,* Shihai Xu,* Liu Y.*New quinoline alkaloid and bisabolane-type sesquiterpenoid derivatives from the deep-sea-derived fungus Aspergillus sp. SCSIO06786. Fitoterapia, 2020, 140, 104406.Tan Y, Deng W, Zhang Y, Ke M, Zou B, Luo X, Su J, Wang Y, Xu J, Nandakumar KS, Liu Y, Zhou X, Li X. A marine fungus-derived nitrobenzoyl sesquiterpenoid suppresses receptor activator of NF-κB ligand-induced osteoclastogenesis and inflammatory bone destruction. British Journal of Pharmacology 2020, 177, 4242-4260.Luo X, Lu H, Chen X, Zhou X, Gao C, Liu Y. Secondary Metabolites And Their Biological Activities From The Sponge Derived Fungus Aspergillus Versicolor. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2020, 56(4), 716-719.Guo C, Lin X, Liao S, Yang B, Zhou X, Yang X, Tian X, Wang J, Liu Y.* Two new aromatic polyketides from a deep-sea fungus Penicillium sp. SCSIO 06720. Natural Product Research, 2020, 34, 9, 1197-1205.Wang J, Liang Z, Li KL, Yang B, Liu Y, Fang W, Tang L, Zhou X. Ene-yne Hydroquinones from a Marine-derived Strain of the Fungus Pestalotiopsis neglecta with Effects on Liver X Receptor Alpha. Journal of Natural Products, 2020, 83, 4, 1258-1264.Wang J, Peng Q, Yao X, Liu Y, Zhou X. New pestallic acids and diphenylketone derivatives from the marine alga-derived endophytic fungus Pestalotiopsis neglecta SCSIO41403. Journal of Antibiotics, 2020, 73, 8, 585-588.Chen W, Li K, Lin X, Liao S, Yang B, Zhou, X, Wang J, Liu Y, Wang J. Antioxidant CPA-type indole alkaloids produced from the deep-sea derived fungus Aspergillus sp. SCSIO 41024. Natural Product Research, 2020, DOI: 10.1080/14786419.2020.1749614Long J, Wang J, Liao S, Lin X, Zhou X, Li Y, Yang B, Liu Y. Four new steroids from the marine soft coral-derived fungus Penicillium sp. SCSIO41201. Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines, 2020, 18(4), 250-255.Chen C, Tao H, Chen W, Yang B, Zhou X, Luo X, Liu Y. Recent advances in the chemistry and biology of azaphilones. RSC Advances, 2020, 10(17), 10197-10220.Luo X, Lin Y, Lu Y, Zhou X, Liu Y.* Peptides and polyketides isolated from the marine sponge-derived fungus Aspergillus terreus SCSIO 41008. Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines, 2019, 17(2), 149-154.Liu N, Peng S, Yang J, Cong Z, Lin X, Liao S, Yang B, Zhou X, Zhou X, Liu Y,* Wang J.* Structurally diverse sesquiterpenoids and polyketides from a sponge-associated fungus Aspergillus sydowii SCSIO41301. Fitoterapia, 2019,135, 27-32.Xu H, Xu L, Luo X, Wang J, Zhou X, Yang B, Li D, Luo Z, Liu Y,* Liao S.* Transition-metal-free insertion of benzyl bromides into 2-(1H- benzo[d]imidazol-1-yl) benzaldehyde: One-pot switchable syntheses of benzo[4,5]imidazo[1,2-a]quinolin-5(7H)-ones and 3-arylquinolin-4-ones mediated by base. Tetrahedron, 2019, 75(19), 2785-2796.Zhou X,* Liang Z, Li K, Fang W, Tian Y, Luo X, Chen Y, Zhan Z, Zhang T, Liao S, Liu S, Liu Y, Fenical W, Tang L.*Exploring the natural piericidins as anti-renal cell carcinoma agents targeting peroxiredoxin 1. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2019, 62(15), 7058-7069 (IF 4.745).Salendra L, Luo X, Lin X, Wang J, Yang Y, Zhou X, Liu Y. Versispiroketal A, an unusual tetracyclic bridged spiroketal from the sponge-associated fungus Aspergillus versicolor SCSIO 41013. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 2019, 17, 2182-2186 (IF 3.490).Wang J, Qin L, Zhao B, Cai L, Zhong Z, Liu Y, Zhou X. Crotonols A and B, two rare tigliane diterpenoid derivatives against K562 cells from Croton tiglium. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 2019, 17, 195-202 (IF 3.490).Wang J, Li K, Luo X, Wu Z, Gu T, Liao S, Lin X, Yang B, Liu Y, Fang W,* Zhou X.* Sorbicillfurans A and B, two novel sorbicillinoid adducts from the fungus Penicillium citrinum SCSIO41402. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 2019, 17, 8721-8725 (IF 3.490).Fredimoses M, Zhou X, Ai W, Tian X, Bin B, Lin X, Liu J, Liu Y.* Emerixanthone E, a new xanthone derivative from deep sea fungus Emericella sp SCSIO 05240. Natural Product Research, 2019, 33(14), 2088-2094.Tan S, Yang B, Liu J, Xun T, Liu Y, Zhou X. Penicillixanthone A, a marine-derived dual-coreceptor antagonist as anti-HIV-1 agent. Natural Product Research, 2019, 33(10), 1467-1471. Lei L, Lei J, Zhou X, Hu M, Niu H, Song C, Chen S, Liu Y,* Zhang D.* Cytotoxic Polyketides from the Marine Sponge-Derived Fungus Pestalotiopsis heterocornis XWS03F09. Molecules, 2019, 24, 2655; doi:10.3390/molecules24142655.Pang X, Cai G, Lin X, Salendra L, Zhou X, Yang B, Wang J, Wang J,* Xu S,* Liu Y.* New Alkaloids and Polyketides from the Marine Sponge-Derived Fungus Penicillium sp. SCSIO41015. Marine Drugs, 2019, 17, 398; doi:10.3390/md17070398.Luo X, Chen C, Li K, Lin X, Gao C, Zhou X, Liu Y.* Sesquiterpenoids and meroterpenoids from a mangrove derived fungus Diaporthe sp. SCSIO 41011. Natural Product Research, 2019, DOI: 10.1080/14786419.2019.1627355.Salendra L, Lin X, Chen W, Pang, X, Luo X, Long J, Liao S, Wang J, Zhou X, Liu Y.* Cytotoxicity of polyketides and steroids isolated from the sponge-associated fungus Penicillium citrinum SCSIO 41017. Natural Product Research, 2019, DOI: 10.1080/14786419.2019.1610757.Li Y, Tan Y, Liu J, Zhou X, Zeng S, Liu Y, Yang B. A new griseofulvin derivative from a soft coral-derived fungus Eupenicillium sp. SCSIO41208. Natural Product Research, 2019, DOI: 10.1080/14786419.2019.1596093.Lin X, Li K, Yang L, Peng X, Fang W, Tian X, Liu Y, Zhou X*. Dereplication and targeted isolation of bioactive sulphur compound from bacteria isolated from a hydrothermal field. Natural Product Research, 2019, 33(4), 494-499.Luo X, Gao C, Han F, Chen X, Lin X, Zhou X, Wang J, Liu Y.* A new naphthopyranone from the sponge-associated fungus Penicillium sp. XWS02F62. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 2019, 57(11), 982-986.Peng Y, Li JF, Huang RM, Liu Y. Chemical Constituents of the South China Sea Starfish Stellaster equestris. Chemistry Of Natural Compounds, 2019, 55(6), 1190-1191.Pang X, Lin X, Yang J, Zhou X, Yang B, Wang J,* Liu Y.* Spiro-phthalides and isocoumarins isolated from the marine-sponge-derived fungus Setosphaeria sp. SCSIO41009. Journal of Natural Products, 2018, 81(8),1860-1866 (Most read articles, IF 3.947).Luo X, Lin X, Tao H, Wang J, Li J, Yang B, Zhou X,* Liu Y.* Isochromophilones A-F, cytotoxic chloroazaphilones from the marine mangrove endophytic fungus Diaporthe sp SCSIO 41011. Journal of Natural Products, 2018, 81 (4), 934-941. Dai Y, Lin Y, Pang X, Luo X, Salendra L, Wang J, Zhou X, Lu Y, Yang B,* Liu Y.* Peptides from the soft coral-associated fungus Simplicillium sp. SCSIO41209. Phytochemistry, 2018, 154, 56-62.Yang B, Huang J, Zhou X, Lin X, Liu J, Liao S, Wang J, Liu F, Tao H, Liu Y.* The fungal metabolites with potential antiplasmodial activity. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2018, 25(31), 3796-3825.Pang X, Lin X, Wang P, Zhou X, Yang B, Wang J,* Liu Y.* Perylenequione derivatives with anticancer activities isolated from the marine sponge-derived fungus, Alternaria sp. SCSIO41014. Marine Drugs, 2018, 16(8), 280.Luo X, Yang J, Chen F, Lin X, Chen C, Zhou X,* Liu S,* Liu Y.* Structurally diverse polyketidesfrom the mangrove-derived fungus Diaporthe sp. SCSIO 41011 with their anti-influenza A virus activities. Frontiers in Chemistry, 2018, 6, 282.Tian Y, Lin X, Zhou X,* Liu Y.* Phenol derivatives from the sponge-derived fungus Didymellaceae sp. SCSIO F46. Frontiers in Chemistry, 2018, 6, 536.Yang B, Tao H, Lin X, Wang J, Liao S, Dong J, Zhou X,* Liu Y.* Prenylated indole alkaloids and chromone derivatives from the fungus Penicillium sp. SCSIO041218. Tetrahedron, 2018, 74, 77-82.Peng Y, Huang R, Lin X, Liu Y*. Norisoprenoids from the brown alga Sargassum naozhouense Tseng et Lu. Molecules, 2018, 23, 348.Gu Y, Ding P, Liang Z, Song Y, Liu Y, Li J.* Activated production of silent metabolites from marine-derived fungus Penicillium citrinum. Fitoterapia, 2018, 127, 207-211.Zhang J*, Yang Z, Liang Y, Zhong L, Lin H, Zhong B, Li L,* Xu S,* Liu Y. Four New C9 metabolites from the sponge-associated fungus Gliomastix sp. ZSDS1-F7-2. Marine Drugs 2018, 16, 231.Limbadri S, Luo X, Lin X, Liao S, Wang J, Zhou X, Yang B,* Liu Y.* Bioactive novel indole alkaloids and steroids from deep sea-derived fungus Aspergillus fumigatus SCSIO 41012. Molecules, 2018, 23(9), 2379.Chen Y, Chen R, Xu J, Tian Y,*, Xu J,* Liu Y.* Two New altenusin/thiazole hybrids and a new benzothiazole derivative from the marine sponge-derived fungus Alternaria sp. SCSIOS02F49. Molecules, 2018, 23, 2844.Xie C, Xia J, Su R, Li J, Liu Y, Yang X,* Yang Q.* Bacilsubteramide A, a new indole alkaloid, from the deep-sea-derived Bacillus subterraneus 11593. Natural Product Research, 2018, 32(21), 2553-2557.Fang W, Wang J, Wang J, Shi L, Li K, Lin X, Min Y, Yang B, Tang L, Liu Y, Zhou X. Cytotoxic and antibacterial eremophilane sesquiterpenes from the marine-derived fungus Cochliobolus lunatus SCSI041401. Journal of Natural Products, 2018, 81(6), 1405-1410.Tian Y, Lin S, Zhou H, Lin S, Wang S, Liu Y*. Protuboxepin C and protuboxepin D from the sponge-derived fungus Aspergillus sp SCSIO XWS02F40. Natural Product Research, 2018, 32(21), 2510-2515.Tian Y, Lin S, Kumaravel K, Zhou H, Wang S, Liu Y*. Polyketide-derived metabolites from the sponge-derived fungus Aspergillus sp F40. Phytochemistry Letters, 2018, 27, 74-77.Luo X, Zhou X,* Liu Y.* Nitrogenous compounds produced by the deep sea derived fungus Leptosphaeria sp. SCSIO 41005. Natural Product Communications, 2018, 13(6), 677-678.Tan Y, Yang B, Lin X, Luo X, Pang X, Tang L, Liu Y, Li X*, Zhou X*. Nitrobenzoyl sesquiterpenoids with cytotoxic activities from a marine-derived Aspergillus ochraceus fungus. Journal of Natural Products, 2018, 81(1), 92-97.Pang X, Lin X, Tian Y, Liang R, Wang J, Yang B, Zhou X, Kaliyaperumal K, Luo X, Tu Z, Liu Y*. Three new polyketides from the marine sponge-derived fungus Trichoderma sp. SCSIO41004. Natural Product Research, 2018, 32(1), 105-111.Pang X, Lin X, Wang J, Liang R, Tian Y, Salendra L, Luo X, Zhou X, Yang B, Tu Z, Liu Y*. Three new highly oxygenated sterols and one new dihydroisocoumarin from the marine sponge-derived fungus Cladosporium sp . SCSIO41007. Steroids, 2018, 41-46.Wang J, Zhou L, Chen S, Yang B, Liao S, Kong F, Lin X, Wang F, Zhou X, Liu Y*. New chlorinated diphenyl ethers and xanthones from a deep-sea-derived fungus Penicillium chrysogenum SCSIO 41001. Fitoterapia, 2018, 125, 49-54.Lei H, Lin X, Han L, Ma J, Dong K, Wang X, Zhong J, Mu Y, Liu Y, Huang X*. Polyketide derivatives from a marine-sponge-associated fungus Pestalotiopsis heterocornis. Phytochemistry, 2017, 142, 51-59.Ju Z, Lin X, Li M, Wang y, Tian Y, Wang J, Liu J, Tu Z, Xu S*, Liu Y*. Chaetochromones A-C, three new polyketides from mangrove plant derived endophytic fungus Phomopsis sp. SCSIO 41006. Chemistry & Biodiversity, 2017, 14(11), e1700266 and e1870034.Lin X, Wu Q, Yu Y, Liang Z, Liu Y, Zhou L*, Tang L*, Zhou X*. Penicilliumin B, a novel sesquiterpene methylcyclopentenedione from a deep sea-derived Penicillium strain with renoprotective activities. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7(1), 10757.Li Y, Wang J, He W, Lin X, Zhou X, Liu Y*. One strain-many compounds method for production of polyketide metabolites using the sponge-derived fungus Arthrinium arundinis ZSDS1-F3. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2017, 53(2), 373-374.Lei H, Lin X, Han L, Ma J, Ma Q, Zhong J, Liu Y, Sun T, Wang J, Huang X. New metabolites and bioactive chlorinated benzophenone derivatives produced by a marine-derived fungus Pestalotiopsis heterocornis. Marine Drugs, 2017, 15(3), 69.Luo X, Lin X, Salendra L, Pang X, Dai Yu,Yang Bin, Liu Juan, Wang J, Zhou X*, Liu Y*. Isobenzofuranones and isochromenones from the deep-sea derived fungus Leptosphaeria sp. SCSIO 41005. Marine Drugs, 2017, 15(7), 204.Wang J, Liang R, Liao S, Yang B, Tu Z, Lin X, Wang B, Liu Y*. Vaccinols J-S, ten new salicyloid derivatives from the marine mangrove-derived endophytic fungus Pestalotiopsis vaccinii. Fitoterapia, 2017, 120,164-170.Wang L, Wang J, Liu J, Liu Y*. Antitubercular marine natural products. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2018, 25, 2304-2328. Luo X, Zhou X, Lin X, Qin X, Zhang T, Wang J, Tu Z, Yang B, Liao S, Tian Y, Pang X, Kaliyaperumal K, Li JL, Tao H, Liu Y*. Antituberculosis compounds from a deep-sea-derived fungus Aspergillus sp. SCSIO Ind09F01. Natural Product Research, 2017, 31(16), 1958-1962.Liao SR, Tang Y, Xu L, Zhou XF, Wang JF, Yang B, Liu Y*. Ring-contraction from benzo[b][1,4]thiazines to benzo[d]thiazolines induced by oxygen. Tetrahedron, 2017, 73(1), 98-107.Xian J, Lin X, Lu X, Wan J, Wang J, Zhou X, Ai W, Tu Z, Liu Y*. Pestalachloride E, a new chlorinated benzophenone derivative from mangrove endophytic fungus Pestalotiopsis versicolor. Chinese Journal of Antibiotics, 2017, 42, 8-13.Yang B, Tao H, Qin X, Wang Z, Dong J, Lin X, Zhou X, Li J, Tu Z, Liu Y*. Aspergone, a new chromanone derivative from fungus Aspergillus sp. SCSIO41002 derived of mangrove soil sample. Journal of Antibiotics, 2017, 6, 788-790.Chen S, Wang J, Wang Z, Lin X, Zhao B, Kaliaperumal K, Liao X, Tu Z, Li J, Xu S, Liu Y*. Structurally diverse secondary metabolites from a deep-sea-derived fungus Penicillium chrysogenum SCSIO 41001 and their biological evaluation. Fitoterapia, 2017, 17, 71-78.He WJ, Zhou XJ, Qin XC, Mai YX, Lin X, Liao S, Yang B, Zhang T, Tu Z, Liu Y*. Quinone/hydroquinone meroterpenoids with antitubercular and cytotoxic activities produced by the sponge-derived fungus Gliomastix sp. ZSDS1-F7. Natural Product Research, 2017, 31(5), 604-609.Wang J, Qin X, Chen Z, Ju Z, He W, Tan Y, Zhou X, Tu Z, Lu F*, Liu Y*. Two new anthraquinones with antiviral activities from the barks of Morinda citrifolia (Noni). Phytochemistry Letters, 2016, 15, 13-15.Zhao BQ, Peng S, He WJ, Liu Y, Wang JF, Zhou X*. Antitubercular and cytotoxic tigliane-type diterpenoids from Croton tiglium. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2016, 26(20), 4996–4999.Kim A, Kim M, Noh T, Hong J, Liu Y, Wei X, Jung J*. Synthesis and antibacterial evaluation of hamacanthin B analogues. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2016, 26(20), 5013–5017.Kim E, Li J, Hong J, Yoon W, Kim H, Liu Y, Wei X, Jung J*. An unusual 1(10-19)abeo steroid from a jellyfish-derived fungus. Tetrahedron Letters, 2016, 57(25), 2803-2806. Wang H, Hong J, Yin J, Liu J, Liu Y, Choi J, Jung, J*. Paecilonic acids A and B, bicyclic fatty acids from the jellyfish-derived fungus Paecilomyces variotii J08NF-1. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2016, 26(9), 2220-2223.Xu G, Wang Z, Zhao B, Liu N, Yang S, Liu Y, Wang J*, Zhou X.* Saniculamins A and B, two new flavonoids from Sanicula lamelligera Hance inhibiting LPS-induced nitric oxide release. Phytochemistry Letters, 2016, 18, 35-38.Liu J, Jung J, Liu Y*. Antimicrobial compounds from marine invertebrates-derived microorganisms. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2016, 23(25), 2892-2905.Wang J, He W, Huang X, Tian X, Liao S, Yang B, Wang F, Zhou X, Liu Y*. Antifungal new oxepine-containing alkaloids and xanthones from the deep-sea-derived fungus Aspergillus versicolor SCSIO 05879. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 2016, 64, 2910-2916.Zhou X, Fang W, Tan S, Lin X, Xun T, Yang B, Liu S, Liu Y*. Aspernigrins with anti-HIV-1 activities from the marine-derived fungus Aspergillus niger SCSIO Jcsw6F30. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2016, 26, 361-365.Tian Y, Lin X, Wang Z, Zhou X, Qin X, Kaliyaperumal K, Zhang T, Tu Z, Liu Y*. Asteltoxins with antiviral activities from the marine sponge-derived fungus Aspergillus sp. SCSIO XWS02F40. Molecules, 2016, 21(1), 34.Liao S , Du L, Qin X, Xu L, Wang J, Zhou X, Tu Z, Li J*, Liu Y*. Site selective synthesis of cytotoxic 1,3,6-trisubstituted 3,6-diunsaturated (3Z,6Z)-2,5-diketopiperazines via a one-pot multicomponent method. Tetrahedron, 2016, 72(8), 1051-1057.Fang W, Lin X, Wang J, Liu Y, Tao H, Zhou X*. Asperpyrone-Type bis-naphtho--pyrones with cox-2-inhibitory activities from marine-derived fungus Aspergillus niger. Molecules, 2016, 21(7), 941.Ju ZR, Qin XC, Lin XP, Wang JF, Kaliyaperumal K, Tian YQ, Liu J, Liu F, Tu ZC, Xu SH, Liu Y*. New phenyl derivatives from endophytic fungus Botryosphaeria sp. SCSIO KcF6 derived of mangrove plant Kandelia candel. Natural Product Research, 2016, 30(2), 192-198.Yang B, Huang J, Lin X, Zhang Y, Tao H, Liu Y*. A new diketopiperazine from the marine sponge Callyspongia species. Records of Natural Products, 2016, 10 (1), 117-121.Yang B, Huang J, Li X, Lin X, Zhou X, Tao H, Liu Y*. Isolation, Characterization, and Bioactivity Evaluation of Alkaloids from Soft Coral Sinularia kotanianensis. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2016, 52(3), 564-566.Tao G, Liu J, Jung JH, Guo W, Wen XQ, Liu Y*. Compounds from a jellyfish-derived fungus Aspergillus fumigates. Natural Product Sciences, 2016, 22(2):82-86.Wang H, Hong J, Yin J, Moon H, Liu Y, Wei X, Oh D, Jung J*. Dimeric Octaketide Spiroketals from the Jellyfish-Derived Fungus Paecilomyces variotii J08NF-1. Journal of Natural Products, 2015, 78(11), 2832-2836. Liao S, Xu Y, Tang Y, Wang J, Zhou X, Xu L, Liu Y*. Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of soluble 2,5-diketopiperazines derivatives as potential antifouling agents. RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 5, 51020-51026 Wang J, He W, Qin X, Wei X, Tian X, Liao L, Liao S, Yang B, Tu Z, Chen B, Wang F, Zhou X, Liu Y*. Three new indolyl diketopiperazine metabolites from the antarctic soil-derived fungus Penicillium sp SCSIO 05705. RSC Advances, 2015, 5(84), 68736-68742.Zhang J, Lin X, Li L, Zhong B, Liao X, Liu Y*, Xu S*. Gliomasolides A–E, unusual macrolides from a sponge-derived fungus Gliomastix sp. ZSDS1-F7-2. RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 54645–54648.Bai Z, Lin X, Wang J, Zhou X, Liu J, Yang Y, Yang X, Liao S, Wang L, Liu Y*. New meroterpenoids from the endophytic fungus Aspergillus flavipes AIL8 derived from the mangrove plant Acanthus ilicifolius. Marine Drugs, 2015, 13, 237-248.Liu J, Wei X, Kim E, Lin X, Yang X, Zhou X, Yang B, Jung J, Liu Y*. New glucosidated pyrazinoquinazoline indole alkaloids from fungus Aspergillus fumigatus derived of a jellyfish. Tetrahedron, 2015, 71, 271-275. Wang J, Wang Z, Ju Z, Wan J, Liao S, Lin X, Zhang T, Zhou X, Chen H, Yang B, Tu Z, Liu Y*. Cytotoxic cytochalasins from marine-derived fungus Arthrinium arundinis ZSDS1-F3. Planta Medica, 2015, 81, 160-166. Li J, Huang L, Liu J, Song Y, Gao J, Jung J, Liu Y*, Chen G*. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitory dimeric indole derivatives from the marine actinomycetes Rubrobacter radiotolerans. Fitoterapia, 2015, 102, 203-207.Wang J, Yang S, Liu Y, Li D, He W, Zhang X, Liu Y*, Zhou X*. Five new phorbol esters with cytotoxic and selective anti-inflammatory activites from Croton tiglium. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2015, 25(9), 1986-1989.Wang L, Wang J, Wang L, Ma S, Liu Y*. Anti-enterovirus 71 agents of natural products. Molecules, 2015, 20(9), 16320-16333.Qin C, Lin X, Lu X, Wan J, Zhou X, Liao S, Tu Z, Xu S, Liu Y*. Sesquiterpenoids and xanthones derivatives produced by sponge-derived fungus Stachybotry sp. HH1 ZSDS1F1-2. Journal of Antibiotics, 2015, 68, 121-125.Ai W, Lin L, Wang Z, Lu X, Mangaladoss F, Yang X, Zhou X, Tu Z, Liu Y*. Cladosporone A, a new dimeric tetralone from fungus Cladosporium sp. KcFL6’ derived of mangrove plant Kandelia candel. Journal of Antibiotics, 2015, 68, 213-215.Tian Y, Qin X, Lin X, Kumaravel K, Zhou X, Liu J, Ju Z, Tu Z, Liu Y*. Sydoxanthone C and acremolin B produced by deep-sea-derived fungus Aspergillus sp. SCSIO Ind09F01. Journal of Antibiotics, 2015, 68, 703-706.Ju Z, Lin X, Lu X, Tu Z, Wang J, Kaliyaperumal K, Liu J, Tian Y, Xu S,* Liu Y*. Botryoisocoumarin A, a new COX-2 inhibitor from the mangrove Kandelia candel endophytic fungus Botryosphaeria sp KcF6. Journal of Antibiotics, 2015, 68, 653-656.Ai W, Lin X, Tu Z, Tian X, Lu X, Mangaladoss M, Zhong J, Liu Y*. Axinelline A, a new COX-2 inhibitor from Streptomyces axinellae SCSIO02208. Natural Product Research, 2015, 68, 213-215.Tian Y, Lin X, Liu J, Kaliyaperumal K, Ai W, Ju J, Yang Y, Wang J, Yang X, Liu Y*. Ascomycotin A, a new citromycetin analogue produced by Ascomycota sp. Ind19F07 isolated from deep sea sediment. Natural Product Research, 2015, 29(9), 820-826.Sun J, Yang B, Zhou X, Yang X, Wang L, Liu Y*. A new briarane-type diterpenoid from the South China Sea Gorgonian Dichotella gemmacea. Natural Product Research, 2015, 29(9), 807-812.Fredimoses M, Zhou X, Ai W, Tian X, Yang B, Lin X, Xian J, Liu Y*. Westerdijkin A, a new hydroxyphenylacetic acid derivative from deep sea fungus Aspergillus westerdijkiae SCSIO 05233. Natural Product Research, 2015, 29(2), 158-162.Wang J, Qin X, Xu F, Zhang T, Liao S, Lin X, Yang B, Liu J, Wang L, Tu Z, Liu Y*. Tetramic acid derivatives and polyphenols from sponge-derived fungus and their biological evaluation. Natural Product Research, 2015, 29(18), 1761-1765.Yang B, Huang J, Lin X, Liao S, Zhou X, Liu J, Wang J, Wang L, Liu Y*. New casbane diterpenoids from the Hainan soft coral Sinularia species. Helvetica Chimica Acta, 2015, 98(6), 834-841.Wang J, Wei X, Qin X, Chen H, Lin X, Zhang T, Yang X, Liao S, Yang B, Liu J, Zhou X, Tu Z, Liu Y*. Two new prenylated phenols from endogenous fungus Pestalotiopsis vaccinii of mangrove plant Kandelia candel (L.) Druce. Phytochemistry Letters, 2015, 12, 59-62.Huang R, Chen Y, Zhou X, Yang X, Liu Y*. A new N-Acyl taurine from the South China Sea marine sponge Callyspongia sp. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2015, 51(3), 540-541.Sun J, Wu Y, Yang B, Liu Y*. Chemical constituents of marine sponge Halichondria sp. from South China Sea. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2015, 51(5), 975-977.Wang H, Hong J, Yin J, Moon H, Liu Y, Wei X, Oh D, Jung JH*. Dimeric Octaketide spiroketals from the jellyfish-derived fungus Paecilomyces variotii J08NF-1, Journal of Natural Products, 2015, 78(11), 2832-2836.Yang X, Miao Z, Ma X, Zhang G, Steinmetz A, Yang B, Wang J, Liu J, Liu Y, Wang N. Asterolloside, a novel enolic saccharide from the sea star Asterias rollestoni Bell. Tetrahedron Letters, 2015, 56, 6174-6176.Wang J, He W, Zhang X, Zhao B, Liu Y, Zhou X*. Dicarabrol, a new dimeric sesquiterpene from Carpesium abrotanoides L. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2015, 25, 4082-4084.Wang B, Wang L, Li Y, Liu Y*. Heterocyclic terpenes: linear furano-and pyrroloterpenoids. RSC Advances, 2014, 4, 12216-12234.Lei H, Sun S, Han Z, Zhou X, Yang B, Liu Y*. Fragilisinins A-L, new briarane-type diterpenoids from gorgonian Junceella fragilis. RSC Advances, 2014, 4(10), 5261-5271.Wang L, Zhou X, Fredimoses M, Liao S, Liu Y*. Naturally occurring organoiodines. RSC Advances, 2014, 4 (101), 57350- 57376.Fredimoses M, Zhou X, Lin X, Tian X, Ai W, Wang W, Liao S, Liu J, Yang B, Yang X, Liu Y*. New prenylxanthones from the deep-sea derived fungus Emericella sp. SCSIO 05240. Marine Drugs, 2014, 12(6), 3190-3202.Yang B, Wei X, Huang J, Lin X, Liu J, Liao S, Wang J, Zhou X, Wang L, Liu Y*. Sinulolides A-H, new cyclopentenone and butenolide derivatives from soft coral Sinularia sp. Marine Drugs, 2014, 12(10), 5316-5327.164. Yang B, Dong J, Lin X, Zhou X, Zhang Y, Liu Y*. New prenylated indole alkaloids from fungus Penicillium sp. derived of mangrove soil sample. Tetrahedron, 2014, 70(25), 3859–3863.
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Wang J, Wang Z, Ju Z, Wan J, Liao S, Lin X, Zhang T, Zhou X, Chen H, Yang B, Tu Z, Liu Y.* Cytotoxic cytochalasins from marine-derived fungus Arthrinium arundinis ZSDS1-F3. Planta Medica, 2015, 81, 160-166. Li J, Huang L, Liu J, Song Y, Gao J, Jung J, Liu Y*, Chen G*. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitory dimeric indole derivatives from the marine actinomycetes Rubrobacter radiotolerans, Fitoterapia 2015, 102, 203-207.Wang JF, Yang SH, Liu YQ, Li DX, He WJ, Zhang XX, Liu Y*, Zhou XJ*. Five new phorbol esters with cytotoxic and selective anti-inflammatory activites from Croton tiglium. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2015, 25(9), 1986-1989.Wang L, Wang J, Wang L, Ma S, Liu Y.* Anti-enterovirus 71 agents of natural products. Molecules 2015, 20(9), 16320-16333.Qin C, Lin X, Lu X, Wan J, Zhou X, Liao S, Tu Z, Xu S, Liu Y.* Sesquiterpenoids and xanthones derivatives produced by sponge-derived fungus Stachybotry sp. HH1 ZSDS1F1-2. The Journal of Antibiotics 2015, 68, 121-125Ai W, Lin L, Wang Z, Lu X, Mangaladoss F, Yang X, Zhou X, Tu Z, Liu Y.* Cladosporone A, a new dimeric tetralone from fungus Cladosporium sp. KcFL6’ derived of mangrove plant Kandelia candel. The Journal of Antibiotics 2015, 68, 213-215.Tian Y, Qin X, Lin X, Kumaravel K, Zhou X, Liu J, Ju Z, Tu Z, Liu Y.* Sydoxanthone C and acremolin B produced by deep-sea-derived fungus Aspergillus sp. SCSIO Ind09F01. The Journal of Antibiotics 2015, 68, 703-706.Ju ZR, Lin XP, Lu X, Tu ZC, Wang JF, Kaliyaperumal K, Liu J, Tian YQ, Xu SH Liu Y.* Botryoisocoumarin A, a new COX-2 inhibitor from the mangrove Kandelia candel endophytic fungus Botryosphaeria sp KcF6. The Journal of Antibiotics 2015, 68, 653-656.Ai W, Lin X, Tu Z, Tian X, Lu X, Mangaladoss M, Zhong J, Liu Y.* Axinelline A, a new COX-2 inhibitor from Streptomyces axinellae SCSIO02208. 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Dimeric Octaketide spiroketals from the jellyfish-derived fungus Paecilomyces variotii J08NF-1, Journal of Natural Products, 2015, 78(11), 2832-2836.Yang X, Miao Z, Ma X, Zhang G, Steinmetz A, Yang B, Wang J, Liu J, Liu Y, Wang N. Asterolloside, a novel enolic saccharide from the sea star Asterias rollestoni Bell. Tetrahedron Letters, 2015, 56, 6174-6176.Wang J, He W, Zhang X, Zhao B, Liu Y, Zhou X*. Dicarabrol, a new dimeric sesquiterpene from Carpesium abrotanoides L. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2015, 25, 4082-4084.Wang B, Wang L, Li Y, Liu Y*. Heterocyclic terpenes: linear furano-and pyrroloterpenoids. RSC Advances 2014, 4, 12216-12234.Lei H, Sun S, Han Z, Zhou X, Yang B, Liu Y*. Fragilisinins A-L, new briarane-type diterpenoids from gorgonian Junceella fragilis. RSC Advances 2014, 4(10), 5261-5271.Wang L, Zhou X, Fredimoses M, Liao S, Liu Y*. 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Pestalols A-E, New Alkenyl Phenol and Benzaldehyde Derivatives from Endophytic Fungus Pestalotiopsis sp. Acbc2 Isolated from the Chinese Mangrove Plant Aegiceras corniculatum. The Journal of Antibiotics 2014, 67(6), 451-457.Wang J, Lin X, Qin Z, Liao S, Wan J, Zhang T, Liu J, Fredimoses M, Chen H, Yang Y, Zhou X, Yang X, Tu Z, Liu Y*. Antimicrobial and Antiviral Sesquiterpenoids from Sponge-Associated Fungus, Aspergillus sydowii ZSDS1-F6. The Journal of Antibiotics 2014, 67(8), 581-583. Liao S, Qin C, Yao P, Li J, Zhou X, Wang J, Huang Z, Liu Y.* A One-Pot Synthesis of Unsaturated, Polysubstituted 3-Aminoazepan-2-ones. Synthesis 2014, 46(5), 621-628. Yang X, Li S, Li Y, Feng L, Shen Y, Lin S, Tian J, Zeng H, Wang N, Steinmetz A, Liu Y, Zhang W. Chemical constituents of Abies delavayi. Phytochemistry, 2014, 105, 164-170. Peng Y, Huang R, Hu J, Zhou X, Yang B, Liu L, Yang X, Liu Y*. Bioactive chemical constituents of the South China Sea starfish Stellaster equestris. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2014, 50(1), 184-185. Huang R, Yan T, Peng Y, Zhou X, Yang X, Liu Y. Diketopiperazines from the marine sponge Axinella sp. Chemistry of Natural Compounds, 2014, 50(1), 191-193. Wang J, Xu F, Wang Z, Lu X, Wan J, Yang B, Zhou X, Zhang T, Tu Z, Liu Y* A new naphthalene glycoside from the sponge-derived fungus Arthrinium arundinis ZSDS1-F3. Natural Product Research 2014, 28(14), 1070-1074.Yang B, Dong J, Lin X, Tao H, Zhou Z Liu Y. Xylaolide A, a new lactone from the fungus Xylariaceae sp. DPZ-SY43. Natural Product Research 2014,28(13), 967-970.Zhou X, Sun J, Ma W, Fang W, Chen Z, Yang B, Liu Y*. A new aromatic amine from fungus Pestalotiopsis vaccinii. Phytochemistry Letters 2014, 7, 35-37.Zhou X, Sun J, Ma W, Fang W, Chen Z, Yang B, Liu Y*. Bioactivities of six sterols isolated from marine invertebrates. Pharmaceutical Biology 2014, 52(2), 187-190.Yang B, Tao H, Zhou X, Lin X, Liu Y*. Two new alkaloids from marine sponge Callyspongia sp. 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(1) 活性海绵呋喃二倍半萜, Bioactive furanosesterterpenoids from marine sponge, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg Press, 2007-02, 第 1 作者(2) 传统利尿药-泽泻, Alisma orientale (Sam.) Juzep., a Common Traditional Chinese Medicine Plant as a Diuretic Agent, Stadium Pree LLC, U.S.A., 2009-01, 第 3 作者(3) 藻类活性产物, Bioactive metabolites from seaweeds, Wiley-Blackwell publisher, 2011-10, 第 5 作者(4) 海洋药妆品的化学性质, Chemical Properties of Marine Cosmeoceuticals, Taylor Francis CRC Press, 2011-11, 第 1 作者(5) 具有抗肿瘤活性的Briarane型二萜, Cytotoxic Briarane-type Dierpenoids, CRC press, 2013-05, 第 1 作者(6) 海草化学成分, Chemical composition of seaweeds, Elsevier publishers, 2015-01, 第 2 作者(7) Advances in Natural Products Discovery, Nova Science Publishers Inc., 2017-01, 第 3 作者
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