如何使用相应的DS验证DNSKEY(How to verify DNSKEY by using its corresponding DS)_电脑培训

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如何使用相应的DS验证DNSKEY(How to verify DNSKEY by using its corresponding DS)_电脑培训
如何使用相应的DS验证DNSKEY(How to verify DNSKEY by using its corresponding DS)
如何使用相应的DS验证DNSKEY(How to verify DNSKEY by using its corresponding DS)
可以使用存储在其父级名称服务器上的DS来验证名称服务器上的DNSKEY。 根据RFC4034:DS记录通过包括该DNSKEY RR的摘要来引用DNSKEY RR。
通过将DNSKEY RR的完全限定所有者名称的规范形式与DNSKEY RDATA连接,然后应用摘要算法来计算摘要。
digest = digest_algorithm( DNSKEY owner name | DNSKEY RDATA);
"|" denotes concatenation
DNSKEY RDATA = Flags | Protocol | Algorithm | Public Key.
以下示例显示了DNSKEY RR及其对应的DS RR。
dskey.example.com. 86400 IN DNSKEY 256 3 5 ( AQOeiiR0GOMYkDshWoSKz9Xz
) ; key id = 60485
dskey.example.com. 86400 IN DS 60485 5 1 ( 2BB183AF5F22588179A53B0A
98631FAD1A292118 )
任何人都可以向我解释如何基于DNSKEY生成DS? 我的具体问题是我应该如何连接并生成“DNSKEY RDATA”? 提前致谢。 A DNSKEY on a name server can be verified by using it DS stored on its parental name server. According to RFC4034: The DS record refers to a DNSKEY RR by including a digest of that DNSKEY RR.
The digest is calculated by concatenating the canonical form of the fully qualified owner name of the DNSKEY RR with the DNSKEY RDATA, and then applying the digest algorithm.
digest = digest_algorithm( DNSKEY owner name | DNSKEY RDATA);
"|" denotes concatenation
DNSKEY RDATA = Flags | Protocol | Algorithm | Public Key.
The following example shows a DNSKEY RR and its corresponding DS RR.
dskey.example.com. 86400 IN DNSKEY 256 3 5 ( AQOeiiR0GOMYkDshWoSKz9Xz
) ; key id = 60485
dskey.example.com. 86400 IN DS 60485 5 1 ( 2BB183AF5F22588179A53B0A
98631FAD1A292118 )
Can anyone explain to me how should generate DS based on DNSKEY? My specific question is how I should concatenate and generate "DNSKEY RDATA"? Thanks in advance.
更新时间:2022-07-31 09:07
DNSKEY所有者名称:se。 (0x 02736500)标志:257(0x0101)协议:3(0x03)算法:5(0x05)公钥:Aw ......
十六进制的前四个字段如下:02736500 0101 03 05,
我的问题是如何计算DNSKEY域名的值(在本例中为se。)。 我不知道的概念是“有线格式”。 幸运的是,来自英国Nominet的Roy Arends清楚地向我解释了它是什么:
对于“se。” 有线格式为:02(长度为“se”),然后是73 65(“s”和“e”的ascii值的十六进制表示,后跟空标签(值00):0x 02 73 65 00
“dnssec-tools”长度为12个字符,因此长度值为:0c然后是十六进制的dnssec-tools的ascii表示:64 6e 73 73 65 63 2d 74 6f 6f 6c 73“org”是3个字符长,所以长度值是:03然后是十六进制组织的ascii表示形式:6f 72 67后跟空标签:00
总而言之:“dnssec-tools.org。” 是0x0c646e737365632d746f6f6c73036f726700
谢谢agian Roy。 According to the information on this page:
Effectively, the digest is calculated over the following fields, concatenated:
DNSKEY owner name: se. (0x 02736500) Flags: 257 (0x0101) Protocol: 3 (0x03) Algorithm: 5 (0x05) Public Key: Aw……
The first four fields, in hex are as follows: 02736500 0101 03 05,
My question was how one can calculate the value for DNSKEY Domain Name (in this case se.). The concept which I didn't know was "wire format". Fortunately Roy Arends from Nominet, UK, explained to me clearly what it is:
A domain name, in "wireformat" is a set of labels, where each label is preceded by a length value and ends with the empty label (value 0x00)
For "se." the wire format is: 02 (length of "se") then 73 65 (hexadecimal representation of the ascii values for "s" and "e", followed by the empty label (value 00): 0x 02 73 65 00
For root (".") the value is just 00 so that would be 0x00
"dnssec-tools" is 12 characters long, so the length value is: 0c then the ascii representation of dnssec-tools in hex: 64 6e 73 73 65 63 2d 74 6f 6f 6c 73 "org" is 3 characters long, so the length value is: 03 then the ascii representation of org in hex: 6f 72 67 followed by the empty label: 00
all in all: "dnssec-tools.org." is 0x0c646e737365632d746f6f6c73036f726700
Thanks agian Roy.
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