ZeroC - Network Your Software

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ZeroC - Network Your Software
Fork me on GitHubZeroCIce FrameworkDownloadsIceIce BuildersDataStormDocumentationForumsSupportAboutContact UsNetwork Your SoftwareTrusted by Industry Leaders<>IceA Comprehensive RPC FrameworkFlexibleMake synchronous and asynchronous invocations using TCP, UDP, SSL/TLS, WebSockets, and Bluetooth. Bidirectional connections allow a server to reuse a connection established by a client to make callbacks.SecureIce offers powerful and easy to use security features. The IceSSL plug-in uses your operating system's SSL/TLS stack to encrypt your data and authenticate your connections.FastIce uses a compact, efficient binary protocol to minimize CPU and bandwidth consumption.EverywhereDevelop in C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, MATLAB, Objective-C, PHP, Python, and Ruby. Deploy on Linux, macOS, Windows, Android, and iOS.Learn MoreAn Introduction toIceStep 1: Write SliceDefine the interfaces and operations for your application in Slice, then compile them to any supported language.Step 2: Write ServerImplement the server's interfaces and operations in C++, C#, Java, Objective-C, or Python.Step 3: Write ClientConnect to your server using a client written in any language, from any platform.Slice - Ice's Interface Definition Language//
module Demo
interface Printer
// A client can invoke this operation on a server.
// In this example we print the string s
void printString(string s);
Compile Slice to C++, C#, Java, ...# Compile Slice files # Generated Files
slice2cpp # Printer.h, Printer.cpp
slice2cs # Printer.cs
slice2java # Demo/, ...
slice2js # Printer.js
slice2matlab # +Demo/PrinterPrx.m
slice2objc # Printer.h, Printer.m
slice2php # Printer.php
slice2py #
slice2rb # Printer.rb
slice2swift # Printer.swiftC++C#JavaObjCPythonSwift//// Implement Printer interface//
class PrinterI : public Demo::Printer
virtual void printString(string s, const Ice::Current&) override
cout << s << endl;
// Initialize Ice communicator - used for interacting with the Ice runtime
Ice::CommunicatorHolder ich(argc, argv);
// Instantiate a new PrinterI servant - the implementation of your Printer
auto servant = make_shared<PrinterI>();
// Create object adapter - a container for your servants. Listens on port 10000
auto adapter = ich->createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints("SimplePrinterAdapter", "tcp -p 10000");
// Add the servant object to the object adapter with identity "SimplePrinter"
adapter->add(servant, ich->stringToIdentity("SimplePrinter"));
// Activate object adapter - accept incoming requests and dispatch them to servants
// Wait for communicator to shut down
//// Implement Printer interface//
public class PrinterI : Demo.PrinterDisp_
public override void printString(string s, Ice.Current current)
// Initialize Ice communicator - used for interacting with the Ice runtime
using(var communicator = Ice.Util.initialize(ref args))
// Instantiate a new PrinterI servant - the implementation of your Printer
var servant = new PrinterI();
// Create object adapter - a container for your servants. Listens on port 10000
var adapter = communicator.createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints("SimplePrinterAdapter", "tcp -p 10000");
// Add the servant object to the object adapter with identity "SimplePrinter"
adapter.add(servant, communicator.stringToIdentity("SimplePrinter"));
// Activate object adapter - accept incoming requests and dispatch them to servants
// Wait for communicator to shut down
//// Implement Printer interface//
public class PrinterI implements Demo.Printer
public void printString(String s, com.zeroc.Ice.Current current)
// Initialize Ice communicator - used for interacting with the Ice runtime
try(com.zeroc.Ice.Communicator communicator = com.zeroc.Ice.Util.initialize(args))
// Instantiate a new PrinterI servant - the implementation of your Printer
com.zeroc.Ice.Object servant = new PrinterI();
// Create object adapter - a container for your servants. Listens on port 10000
com.zeroc.Ice.ObjectAdapter adapter = communicator.createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints("SimplePrinterAdapter", "tcp -p 10000");
// Add the servant object to the object adapter with identity "SimplePrinter"
adapter.add(servant, communicator.stringToIdentity("SimplePrinter"));
// Activate object adapter - accept incoming requests and dispatch them to servants
// Wait for communicator to shut down
//// Implement Printer interface//
@interface PrinterI : DemoPrinter<DemoPrinter>
@implementation PrinterI
-(void) printString:(NSMutableString*)s current:(ICECurrent*)current
printf("%s\n", [s UTF8String]);
// Initialize Ice communicator - used for interacting with the Ice runtime
id<ICECommunicator> communicator = communicator = [ICEUtil createCommunicator:&argc argv:argv];
// Instantiate a new PrinterI servant - the implementation of your Printer
ICEObject *servant = [PrinterI printer];
// Create object adapter - a container for your servants. Listens on port 10000
id<ICEObjectAdapter> adapter = [communicator createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints: @"SimplePrinterAdapter"
endpoints: @"tcp -p 10000"];
// Add the servant object to the object adapter with identity "SimplePrinter"
[adapter add:servant identity:[communicator stringToIdentity:@"SimplePrinter"]];
// Activate object adapter - accept incoming requests and dispatch them to servants
[adapter activate];
// Wait for communicator to shut down
[communicator waitForShutdown];
// Destroy Ice communicator
[communicator destroy];
## Implement Printer interface#
class PrinterI(Demo.Printer):
def printString(self, s):
# Initialize Ice communicator - used for interacting with the Ice runtime
with Ice.initialize(sys.argv) as communicator:
# Instantiate a new PrinterI servant - the implementation of your Printer
servant = PrinterI()
# Create object adapter - a container for your servants. Listens on port 10000
adapter = communicator.createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints("SimplePrinterAdapter", "tcp -p 10000")
# Add the servant object to the object adapter with identity "SimplePrinter"
adapter.add(servant, communicator.stringToIdentity("SimplePrinter"))
# Activate object adapter - accept incoming requests and dispatch them to servants
# Wait for communicator to shut down
//// Implement Printer interface//
class PrinterI: Printer {
func printString(s: String) {
// Initialize Ice communicator - used for interacting with the Ice runtime
let communicator = try Ice.initialize(CommandLine.arguments)
defer { communicator.destroy() }
// Instantiate a new PrinterI servant - the implementation of your Printer
let servant = PrinterI()
// Create object adapter - a container for your servants. Listens on port 10000
let adapter = try communicator.createObjectAdapterWithEndpoints(name: "SimplePrinterAdapter", endpoints: "tcp -p 10000")
// Add the servant object to the object adapter with identity "SimplePrinter"
try adapter.add(servant: PrinterDisp(servant), id: Ice.stringToIdentity("SimplePrinter"))
// Activate object adapter - accept incoming requests and dispatch them to servants
try adapter.activate()
// Wait for communicator to shut down
communicator.waitForShutdown()C++C#JavaJavaScriptJSMATLABObjCPHPPythonRubySwift// Initialize Ice communicator - used for interacting with the Ice runtime
Ice::CommunicatorHolder ich(argc, argv);
// Create a proxy to the remote Printer object
auto obj = ich->stringToProxy("SimplePrinter:tcp -h serverhost.serverdomain -p 10000");
// Downcast obj to Printer proxy
auto printer = Ice::checkedCast<PrinterPrx>(obj);
// Invoke "printString" operation on remote Printer object
printer->printString("Hello World!");
// Initialize Ice communicator - used for interacting with the Ice runtime
using(var communicator = Ice.Util.initialize(ref args))
// Create a proxy to the remote Printer object
var obj = communicator.stringToProxy("SimplePrinter:tcp -h serverhost.serverdomain -p 10000");
// Downcast obj to Printer proxy
var printer = Demo.PrinterPrxHelper.checkedCast(obj);
// Invoke "printString" operation on remote Printer object
printer.printString("Hello World!");
// Initialize Ice communicator - used for interacting with the Ice runtime
try(com.zeroc.Ice.Communicator communicator = com.zeroc.Ice.Util.initialize(args))
// Create a proxy to the remote Printer object
com.zeroc.Ice.ObjectPrx obj = communicator.stringToProxy("SimplePrinter:tcp -h serverhost.serverdomain -p 10000");
// Downcast obj to Printer proxy
Demo.PrinterPrx printer = Demo.PrinterPrx.checkedCast(obj);
// Invoke "printString" operation on remote Printer object
printer.printString("Hello World!");
// Initialize Ice communicator - used for interacting with the Ice runtime
id<ICECommunicator> communicator = [ICEUtil createCommunicator:&argc argv:argv];
// Create a proxy to the remote Printer object
id<ICEObjectPrx> obj = [communicator stringToProxy:@"SimplePrinter:tcp -h serverhost.serverdomain -p 10000"];
// Downcast obj to Printer proxy
id<DemoPrinterPrx> printer = [DemoPrinterPrx checkedCast:obj];
// Invoke "printString" operation on remote Printer object
[printer printString:@"Hello World!"];
// Destroy Ice communicator
[communicator destroy];
# Initialize Ice communicator - used for interacting with the Ice runtime
with Ice.initialize(sys.argv) as communicator:
# Create a proxy to the remote Printer object
obj = communicator.stringToProxy("SimplePrinter:tcp -h serverhost.serverdomain -p 10000")
# Downcast obj to Printer proxy
printer = Demo.PrinterPrx.checkedCast(obj)
# Invoke "printString" operation on remote Printer object
printer.printString("Hello World!")
// Initialize Ice communicator - used for interacting with the Ice runtime
const communicator = Ice.initialize();
// Create a proxy to the remote Printer object
const obj = communicator.stringToProxy("SimplePrinter:tcp -h serverhost.serverdomain -p 10000");
// Downcast obj to Printer proxy
const printer = await Demo.PrinterPrx.checkedCast(obj);
// Invoke "printString" operation on remote Printer object
await printer.printString("Hello World!");
// Destroy Ice communicator
% Initialize Ice communicator - used for interacting with the Ice runtime
communicator = Ice.initialize();
% Create a proxy to the remote Printer object
obj = communicator.stringToProxy('SimplePrinter:tcp -h serverhost.serverdomain -p 10000');
% Downcast obj to Printer proxy
printer = Demo.PrinterPrx.checkedCast(obj);
% Invoke "printString" operation on remote Printer object
printer.printString('Hello World!');
% Destroy Ice communicator
// Initialize Ice communicator - used for interacting with the Ice runtime
$communicator = Ice\initialize();
// Create a proxy to the remote Printer object
$obj = $communicator->stringToProxy("SimplePrinter:tcp -h serverhost.serverdomain -p 10000");
// Downcast obj to Printer proxy
$printer = Demo\PrinterPrxHelper::checkedCast($obj);
// Invoke "printString" operation on remote Printer object
$printer->printString("Hello World!");
// Destroy Ice communicator
# Initialize Ice communicator - used for interacting with the Ice runtime
communicator = Ice::initialize(ARGV)
# Create a proxy to the remote Printer object
obj = communicator.stringToProxy("SimplePrinter:tcp -h serverhost.serverdomain -p 10000")
# Downcast obj to Printer proxy
printer = Demo::PrinterPrx::checkedCast(obj)
# Invoke "printString" operation on remote Printer object
printer.printString("Hello World!")
# Destroy Ice communicator
// Initialize Ice communicator - used for interacting with the Ice runtime
let communicator = try Ice.initialize(CommandLine.arguments)
defer { communicator.destroy() }
// Create a proxy to the remote Printer object
let obj = try communicator.stringToProxy("SimplePrinter:tcp -h serverhost.serverdomain -p 10000")!
// Downcast obj to Printer proxy
let printer = try checkedCast(prx: obj, type: PrinterPrx.self)!
// Invoke "printString" operation on remote Printer object
try printer.printString("Hello World!")Asynchronous Programming using Futures and Async/AwaitWrite concise and clean applications with standard language classes and constructs.SliceC++C#JavaJavaScriptJSMATLABPythonSwift//
module Demo
interface Person
int computeCreditScore();
// Obtain person proxy
auto person = ...
// Invoke "computeCreditScore" asynchronously on remote Person object
std::future<int> future = person->computeCreditScoreAsync();
//// Do other work//
// Retrieve result from future
auto creditScore = future.get();
// Obtain person proxy
var person = ...
// Invoke "computeCreditScore" asynchronously on remote Person object
// and await the result (must be called from an async function)
var creditScore = await person.computeCreditScoreAsync();
// Obtain person proxy
Demo.PersonPrx person = ...
// Invoke "computeCreditScore" asynchronously on remote Person object
CompletableFuture<Integer> future = person.computeCreditScoreAsync();
//// Do other work//
// Retrieve result from future
Integer creditScore = future.get();
# Obtain person proxy
person = ...
# Invoke "computeCreditScore" asynchronously on remote Person object
creditScore = await Ice.wrap_future(person.computeCreditScoreAsync())
// Obtain person proxy
const person = ...
// Invoke "computeCreditScore" asynchronously on remote Person object
// and await the result (must be called from an async function)
const creditScore = await person.computeCreditScore();
% Obtain person proxy
person = ...
% Invoke "computeCreditScore" asynchronously on remote Person object
future = person.computeCreditScoreAsync()
%% Do other work%
% Retrieve result from future
creditScore = future.fetchOutputs()
// Obtain person proxy
let person = ...
// Invoke "computeCreditScore" asynchronously on remote Person object
// Ice for Swift uses PromiseKit for its async API
firstly {
}.then { creditScore in
// Use result
}Language MappingsIce ServicesIce is more than a RPC framework. It also provides a number of complementary services for your networked applications.IceGridDeployment and MonitoringGlacier2Firewall TraversalIceStormEvent Publish/SubscribeGet Started with IceWhether you're working on an enterprise application or hobbyist project, Ice makes it easy to network your software.Download Ice DocumentationNeed help? Join our forums.DownloadsIceIce BuildersDataStormResourcesDocumentationForumsLicense TermsSupportPriority SupportConsultingTrainingCompanyAboutContactCustomersJobsLegalTerms of UsePrivacyAround the Web漏 2022 ZeroC, Inc.